Communication with spirit guides is somewhat of a mystery to many. We assume that we will hear a voice or see a vision and then we will know that was our spirit guide. However, that is not how it works for everyone. There are a variety of ways in which a spirit guide or even a departed loved one attempt to communicate. Often these communications are through what is called the “clair senses.”
Many of us may have heard of the term clairvoyance although we may not exactly know what it is. People may naturally have several clair senses that they aren’t even aware of. These senses help us to connect to beings of the spirit realm. We use these clair senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Take a read of each and see which one resonates with you.
Here is a summary of each:
Clairvoyance ‘Clear Seeing’
A person who has clairvoyance is able to see visions of the past, present, and future. These images flash through the mind’s eye much like having a daydream. Some can see spirits as a fully formed physical bodies as if they are present and in the room with them. Others see the spirit in their mind's eye. They may also see the vision like a movie or a still photograph. It is often found that this is a natural sense for visual people such as artists, photographers, decorators, designers, and so on.

Clairaudience ‘Clear Hearing’
A person who has clairaudience can hear words, sounds or even music when no one is speaking and nothing physical is making the noise. Sometimes spirit may be able to create an audible sound that a person can hear. As though they are listening to a person talking to them. Sometimes it is as if the spirit is next to them and other times it might be in their mind as a verbal thought or words. Natural talents of people with clairaudience include musicians, singers, writers, and public speakers.

Clairsentience ‘Clear Feeling’
When a person has clairsentience, they can often feel other's emotions, even another’s physical pain. Sometimes they may feel the same physical problem that the spirit person had before death. Although this is rare.
Many of us have a lighter form of this natural ability. We can’t explain it but we experience a ‘gut’ feeling. Other times we receive a negative or positive feeling about a person, place or thing. Maybe get a weird emotion or even a physical reaction like chills for no reason. Many healers and caregivers have a natural ability for clairsentience and often pursue careers as doctors, therapists, counselors, and teachers.
Clairalience ‘Clear Smelling’
Have you ever experienced a time when you smelt something and you look around but can’t find the source of the odor or aroma? Maybe you are smelling freshly baked bread, perfume, fruits, or cigarette smoke. Sometimes this prompts us to recall a past loved one or a memory. Many with clairalience are drawn to working with different scents and have careers as florists, creating creams and perfumes or other work using their acute sense of smell.
Clairgustance ‘Clear Tasting’
Those with clairgustance can taste things out of the blue. Often without having put anything into your mouth. Perhaps a food or beverage that reminds them of someone or a memory. A heightened sense of taste makes these people natural chefs, bakers and others who work with foods or beverages.

Claircognizance ‘Clear Knowing’
When a person has claircognizance they have knowledge of people or events that they shouldn’t normally know about. It simply pops into their heads. Similar to a premonition that something is about to happen. You just suddenly know. Philosophers, scientists, spiritual leaders, and leaders from many walks of life may have this dominant sense.
As you’ve read through the list perhaps one of even more than one sticks out to you. Does one seem to be more dominant in your life than others? How can you find out your dominant sense? Here is a quick test.

Find a comfortable place where you an sit down quietly and focus for a few minutes. Before you close your eyes take a moment and look around the room. Take in as many details and feelings as you can using your senses. What can you see, hear, taste, smell and feel? When you are ready, close your eyes and relax, breathing deeply and calmly.
Slowly take an inventory of the room and what it was that caught your attention. What stood out to you? What sense did you use the most? Was it something you heard, saw, felt, tasted or smelt. Maybe a thought that came out of nowhere that is sticking with you. Take note of this. If you still aren’t sure try practicing this technique a few times and see what comes to you.
I’ve found that I have a few of these abilities although clairaudience is dominant. In addition, I also have clairsentience although certainly not as developed as my ability to hear. I’ve also experienced random clairalience. As a storyteller, singer and writer this makes total sense why clairaudience is dominant for me.
Have you been able to determine what is your dominant psychic sense? Once you discover this, learning to communicate with spirit guides will become easier. You’ll be more prone to look for cues using that specific psychic sense.
Remember, it is different for everyone so take your time and get to know what resonates with you. Then have fun and enjoy the connection this will bring into your life.