Programming a crystal involves the act of setting an intention for a specific purpose that it will be used for and imprinting it onto a crystal. The easiest way to do this is by first holding the crystal in your hands and visualizing the intention that you want to put into it.
Many crystals already have natural properties that can be used for a variety of purposes such as self-love, confidence, and courage as well as energy clearing, healing, and even protection. In that case, no programming is necessarily required. However, if you plan to use the crystal for a specific purpose, then you would want to program it by focusing your intention on the crystal to imprint it with your desired outcome. Although I think it is a good idea to program all your crystals, so you are clear of the intentions, it also offers a way for you to bond closer with your gemstone's energy.
Programming gemstones focuses on the stone's abilities for something that you specifically need. By doing this, you are magnifying the crystal's intent and increasing its ability to manifest it for you. Through programming the crystal, it becomes more powerful for you.

Steps to programming crystals:
· Find a quiet place.
· Make sure you are sitting comfortably.
· Take a few minutes to consciously relax your body.
· Breathe slow, deep at a regular speed.
· Hold the crystal or gemstone gently in your hand and feel its energy.
· Close your eyes and get a visual image of the crystal in your hands.
· As you sense the energy, be grateful and let that energy connect to you.
· If this does not automatically happen, ask quietly to be connected to the gemstones life-force energy.
· As you sense its energy, think of what you would want to use the crystal for.
· Hold the crystal to your third eye (the space between your eyebrows) and concentrate on the link between your higher self and the crystal.
· While you are concentrating on the crystal, think of the intention you want the stone to do.
· Share your intention with the crystal.
· Tell the crystal what you need it to do for you, and what its purpose is.
· Ask if the gemstone will give permission to honour this request.
· At this point, you may hear an audio yes or no. You may also get an intuitive message from the crystal. If you don’t, it is possible that you will feel the crystal's energy increase with a yes and decrease with a no. This energy may be very subtle, so pay close attention.
· If the stone accepts your intention, state in your mind that it will be so.
· Once the intention is accepted, dedicate the stone for the use of good only.

This is optional, however always good for strengthening the bond between yourself and the crystal.
· While still holding the crystal, visualize a large circle of light forming on the ground.
· As it moves up around your body, it spirals in a clockwise direction.
· It rises until it is above your head and then closes to encircle both you and crystal in this circle of pure light and love.
· Hold the image for several moments and then let it fade.
· Once you are feeling connected and at peace, open your eyes.
A programmed stone will hold your intention until it is reprogrammed by yourself or someone else.