Channeling is an ability that anyone can develop. It isn’t something that takes years of training. What is necessary however is the ability to calm your mind. This is why learning to meditate first is a good step. Once you can train your mind to be calm and get past the constant chatter, hearing your spirit guides will be much easier. You also need to trust and have faith in the messages that come through to you. Initially, it can be a bit strange, and you will very likely think you are either making it up or going crazy. Neither could be further from the truth. Give it time and soon you will be able to easily differentiate between your inner voice and what you are hearing from spirit.
Not everyone hears the same things. For some, there may be a sense of reaching their higher self, a spirit guide, or other light beings. The channeler will likely feel beautiful, loving energy flowing through their body. Thoughts or images that are not their own may enter their mind, or they may find they are self-speaking in a way that differs from their ordinary thought process. It may take time but be patient with yourself and them while you learn how to communicate with one another. Remember this is a partnership.

One of my passions is ancient cultures, if you study them, you will notice that channeling energy from the spirit realm has been going on likely since the dawn of mankind or even earlier. Think of the priests and priestesses in the temples, psychics, seers, and shamans. They came from all parts of the world and from all different time periods but the one thing they had in common was this ability to connect to forces beyond the physical world. This isn’t new age mumbo jumbo, this has been going on for a very long time. These people were able to tap into another dimension and channel knowledge. They were highly revered, in fact, Kings and Pharaohs as well as other leaders relied on them for their ability to obtain and share divine wisdom. There are still shamans and others who use these skills to this day.
Channeling is something that can help in many ways. It can enrich your life and develop your wisdom. It can help you with guidance to work through daily and emotional issues you might be facing. They can offer you alternatives to consider or solutions you may not have even thought about. They won’t necessarily tell you what to do because we have free will. Besides, you likely wouldn’t enjoy being told what to do. Instead, they offer guidance and options to help you in your decision-making processes.

In my opinion, mediumship is not the same as channeling. Mediumship is generally used to contact departed loved ones. Channeling is more something that is used for your personal guidance and sometimes offers messages to others. Although there are some channelers who are known as trance channelers. These channelers allow spirit to use their bodies as a type of conduit. They allow their conscious mind to move over and spirit to use their body to communicate messages. In many cases, these trance channelers will not be aware or have limited awareness of what was discussed with the person getting the message. Some trance channelers may sit almost completely still during the session, their voice may change, and their breathing is usually very slow and calm. If you are clairvoyant, you may even see the spirit form within the channeler. There is no telling what kind of incredible things can be witnessed during these sessions.
Channeling is one of the many gifts of Spirit. It helps the channeler to become closer to Great Spirit and enhance their spiritual growth. Channelers may begin to receive or provide messages to others. They work to provide wisdom and knowledge to others through higher planes of consciousness. True channelers don’t seek glory in what they do. They aren’t normally looking for recognition. It is more of a service. They feel deeply privileged and honored to be part of the personal and planetary healing process.
With time and consistent practice, channelers will have a connection and ability to reach a higher vibrational source and maintain clear contact with it. It is best to refrain from taking alcohol, medication, or attempting to channel when you are stressed and tired. The clearer your mind is while channeling the clearer the connection.

The goal of your spirit guides is to teach you to see yourself as they see you. A being of love and light. It may be difficult at first for you to see this in yourself. However, they will assist you and help you to see the truth about who you truly are. A growing sense of peace and joy will illuminate the path in front of you.
Some may choose to work in groups channeling together. Others prefer to do this as a solo practice. You will be the only one who can decide what works best for you. Trust your intuition and remember to have faith that your spirit guides are there to offer you love and light.