There are many cultures around the world and not everyone believes the same thing about spirit guides. All I can offer you is the knowledge that I’ve gathered through my own research and experiences. What I can tell you about my own personal connection is that I do believe in spirit guides. When I was young, I didn’t know what a spirit guide was or even heard of the term, so I think that is a good place to start.
Let’s begin with explaining what a Spirit Guide is:
In simple terms, a spirit guide is a non-physical being. Each human is given a spirit guide to help attain their soul purpose and achieve their greatest potential for their time on Earth. A spirit guide is with each of us to guide us through our life lessons and offer us love and support.
Most believe that a spirit guide is someone who has already gone through life, although they may not always be of human ancestry. Others believe that they are energy from the cosmic realm. Almost everyone can agree that they are light beings and highly spiritual. I believe spirit guides have likely lived many lives. That they have dealt with many situations making them a type of spiritual expert for us to connect to and rely on. I believe them to be a part of our spiritual family. Together we chose one another before we incarnate into this world. Unlike our physical family on Earth, we don’t necessarily see them but if we are able to connect to them at some point in our lives, they can become like a beloved family member. Someone we can always count on and who loves us unconditionally.

Once again, we humans have free will and we don’t have to listen to our guides, however I’ve always noticed that life is a lot easier and things go much smoother when I listen. The strange thing is that they don’t really tell me what to do. It’s more that they offer me something to consider. They give me several paths to think about and help me to understand what taking those paths may look and then let me choose. No matter what I decide, they stick by me and hold my spiritual hand, loving me each step of the way.
Spirit guides want us to fulfil our life purpose. They never guide us to a dark place or make life more difficult for us. In fact, it is when we find ourselves in a dark place that we can call on their love, light and guidance to help us find our path again. They act as a kind of compass steering us back to the light of our life. They can help us mend our broken hearts. Comfort us in our times of grief. Help us make difficult decisions. And they can guide us even with simple things such as which book to read or what route to take home. They want us to talk with them and they are always available to us. No request or question is too big or too small.

Spirit guides have chosen not to reincarnate on Earth at this time. Instead, they have decided to dedicate their time to your spiritual growth and evolution. They have chosen to be your guide because they truly believe in you and they know your soul purpose. For them it is an honour. However, they don’t just wait around for you to call. They do have their own life in the spirit realm, but time is different over there.
They always watch over us and are ready to jump in when we need them, when we call and even when we don’t. They help us every day even if we don’t realize it. If we listen, we can likely avoid a lot of pain and difficulty. For spirit guides, taking this role assists them as well in their soul growth, allowing them to reach a higher level of ascension than may be capable by reincarnating in life on Earth. It is no easy task. My own guide, I’m certain, gets annoyed with me. He has never said it, but I know I can be annoying and I’m not great at listening all the time. I’m sure he can sometimes shake his spiritual head at me however every time we connect all he gives to me is love. Now, he doesn’t always shower me with sweetness, there are times when he is lovingly direct with me. But I also know that he tells me what I need at that time.

I have more than one guide, most of us do. We can have multiple spirit guides at a time. In fact, there is no limit to how many we receive it is all about the lessons we are learning and who we need along the way. Most of the time we don’t even know how many guides are walking by our side, but we are certainly not alone. If you have the gift of sight (clairvoyance), you may be able to see them, that isn’t one of my gifts, at least not yet.
My major guide is with me all the time. He is like my guiding light. Others may only come for specific moments in life. Perhaps they connect when you are experiencing a challenging moment and are there for extra support. You can look at spirit guides as your spiritual support team. Some have major roles and other minor roles, but all are important for your spiritual growth.
I see spirit guides as independent entities from us but as part of our spiritual family. Although like everyone, we are energetically connected. Others feel that spirit guides represent part of our unconscious minds and that they help us to find those missing pieces to bring us whole again. Still, others think that spirit guides are part of our higher selves that come to us when we need spiritual help. Regardless of what resonates with you, spirit guides are energy that offers each of us lessons, guidance, comfort, and hope. When we need them and need to learn about ourselves, we can call on them to help us grow.

It doesn’t matter your religious beliefs, culture, age, race, or even where you are in life. Your spirit guides are with you, and they send you messages all the time. By connecting with our spirit guides we can receive this loving guidance as another way to connect to the divine which is a birthright for all of us.
There will always be skeptics and certainly, there are people in the world who aren’t honest however when you are dealing with your own personal spirit guide this is a connection between yourself and them. This is something you can trust using your faith and your intuition. This isn’t taking away anything like a connection to your spiritual or religious beliefs. In fact, it is very likely that they will guide you closer to the love and light of the universe.
Before I end this blog, keep in mind that guides are love and light. They don’t tell us bad things about ourselves or to hurt other people. Although they will certainly support and guide you as you go through shadow work. If you are getting messages like this, you aren’t working with a light being. Always use protection when connecting. I’ll offer more advice on that in a future blog. Blessings to you all.