If you’ve been following my Facebook and Instagram feeds you know that I’ve been encouraging you to work on raising your vibrations. What does that mean? What is vibration? And why should it be raised?
What Is Vibrational Energy?
I’m not going to claim to be an expert in energy, but I do know that our body is composed of energy that is in constant motion. Like everything in the Universe, we are vibrating and using energy constantly.
Vibrations are a type of rhythm like our heartbeat. There are even smaller vibrations in the body that are happening at the molecular level inside our cells.
Researchers have known for a while that thoughts and behaviours affect the rhythms of the body. An example would be when preparing to do something stressful like a presentation. Our heart rate is typically accelerated a bit and we might feel nauseous or anxious as we think about what we must do. These thoughts and feelings release stress hormones. The opposite effect occurs when we do something relaxing like listen to calm and soothing music or spend time in nature.
If you are vibrating at low energy you might experience?
● Social withdrawal
● Emotional instability
● Mental turmoil
● Poverty mentality
● Loneliness
● Victim mindset
● Codependency

As you can see from this list vibrating at low energy can truly have a devasting impact on your life. It’s important however to remember that raising your vibration doesn’t happen overnight. With time and practice, it can be raised but we need to be kind to ourselves. This is hard work and takes time, but the benefits are certainly worth every ounce of effort.
What would a person vibrating at a high energy level be like?
When a person is living life from high vibration, they are easy to spot, here are some of their common traits:
● Trusts their journey and looks at life as an adventure.
● Doesn’t let life’s difficulties swing them off the path for too long.
● Take risks to manifest what they want in life.
● Exercises self-care and avoids negative self-talk.
● Takes a break when they need it.

It’s not that a high vibrational person is perfect, they can have a bad day like the rest of us. The difference is that they pull themselves out quickly and recognize that it is a part of life. That being at this low energy vibrational level isn’t helping them or anyone else around them. They recognize their power and uniqueness and appreciate everything about themselves including their imperfections.
What exactly does it mean to vibrate at a high frequency?
1. Recognize Their Power:
A person vibrating at a high frequency knows they aren’t perfect and are okay with that. They accept that they are human beings and are going to make mistakes, have a bad day, and mess up sometimes. They recognize that they can learn from mistakes. And don’t feel the need to be perfect. Instead, they strive to be a better version of themselves and recognize that this is constant progress.
2. Forgive Their Past:
Most everyone has done things in the past that they feel they could have done better. Many people will beat themselves up over it and won’t allow themselves the ability to forgive themselves, never mind anyone else. However, a person who vibrates at a high frequency understands that the past has taught valuable lessons. That it is okay to have made mistakes. That they can embrace their mistakes and forgive others for theirs.
3. Align With Their Life Purpose:
I think it is safe to say that almost everyone hopes that their life has meaning. They strive to find a higher purpose and make a positive difference in the world in whatever capacity that might be. To do this, we need to vibrate at a high frequency. This means that we might have to give up some things that we are quite used to living with. These might include negative habits and patterns such as people-pleasing or negative self-talk. However, as we raise our vibrations these leave our lives naturally. We recognize that they don’t serve our higher purpose and so we let them go to make room for things that do.