There is no known negative side affect to Reiki healing. It is a safe, non-invasive holistic approach to health. Everyone can benefit for this complimentary healing practice. However, it's likely that in order to see the benefits it will take some time, patience and effort on your part. There is a certain amount of commitment expected and that is sometimes difficult to find in our “instant gratification” world.
To receive the most benefit from Reiki and receive its healing and positive energy, it may be necessary to make a few adjustments to your current lifestyle. Not all of these will impact everyone the same way but certainly these are things to consider.
Before going for a Reiki session, consider a little detox and avoid filling your belly too full of meat for a few days prior. Instead try eating healthy plant based foods in order to be as clear and focused as possible.
The goal of Reiki is to access and allow Universal Life Energy to flow through us and offer us healing. Therefore, when practicing Reiki, consuming food and drink that contain drugs, pesticides, toxins and other negative ingredients are things that should be avoided if possible. These ingredients cause the body to be thrown off balance. It disrupts the smooth flow of positive energy.
It is important that we we also stay hydrated. Prior to your session drink more water or natural juices. This one is tough but think about cutting down or removing caffeine. Caffeine, alcohol and other drugs and stimulants create imbalance in the nervous and endocrine system. Other things to consider avoiding at least three days before practicing a Reiki session are sugar, and smoking.
There is enough stress in our daily lives. It's encouraged that you keep a quiet and peaceful lifestyle. We know this isn't easy in our fast paced world but look for ways to add this peace into your life.
Reducing exposure to outside negative energy is also important. We know that what we put into our body affects our body. Likewise what we watch and listen to can also impact our energy levels. Watching intense TV or violent movies, listening to unsettling music and reading distressing information are all discouraged.
Keeping away from all negative mental emotions like, anger, fear, jealousy, hate and worry. These emotions can block a person from achieving optimum healing during a Reiki session.