To honour tomorrow’s full moon (October 9, 2022) which also happens to be the day of my birth, I thought it appropriate to write about a magical, powerful, and essential energy that affects all of us on this beautiful planet.
“The magical mystical moon, she calls to me. My eyes gaze up to Luna as she illuminates the night sky. I witness her beauty and magnificence, and she reminds me to honour my own. There is an ancient connection between us. She awakens a strength and power within me that is eternal and divine. We are a part of each other and a part of the whole. We are beautiful beings, and we need one another. Without her light to shine upon us and her energy to keep us connected we could not exist.” – Evelyn Ohia
Earth’s moon has been worshipped by many cultures throughout the world, both in ancient and modern times. She has been recognized throughout the ancient world as both the giver and taker of life. It is no wonder due to the affects that our moon has on our planet and the beings who live here. She affects the waters of the earth, creating high and low tides. She also affects the water in our bodies, impacts our moods and sleep cycles. The full moon in particular has powerful mental and emotional effects on humans and animals.

Moon Facts
Origin unknown, thought to be about 4600 million years old, the same age as Earth.
Measures 3476 km / 2160 miles across.
Due to the orbit, we only get to see one side of the moon.
Gravity on the moon is a 6th of Earth’s.
Craters on the moon measure up to 150 miles across, likely a result of comets and asteroids.
Hardly any atmosphere or water.
Moon lies within Earth’s gravitational field which affects weather patterns around the world.
Rainfall, tropical storms, hurricanes, volcanos and earthquakes are associated with lunar activity especially after a full moon.
The lunar cycle matches in duration to the average female menstrual cycle.
The moon changes from crescent, full, waning, and dark as it progresses through the lunar cycle.
Full moon is created when the sun and moon are in alignment with each other.
Blue moon occurs when 2 moons occur in the same calendar month, a rare occurrence. It happens approximately every 2 ½ years usually during a month with 31 days.

Lunar Phases
The New Moon
Beginning of a new cycle. A time when new opportunities abound. Ideal time to work on your health and personal growth. Lasts for approximately 3 days. This is a time of development and growth.
The Full Moon
When the moon is at her fullest. It represents fertility and abundance as well as illumination. Strongest time is three days prior to the full moon and at the actual night of the full moon. The full moon is known to trigger moon madness or “lunacy” (from luna, “the moon”).
The Waning / Dark Moon
A good time when things need to be released.
Dark Moon
This is a power time for healings. A time to retreat into ourselves and rest. An excellent time for gaining understanding and most useful when spent in meditation and asking for spiritual guidance.
Cleansing Crystals
Cleansing crystals in the moonlight especially during a full moon amplifies the energy within them. Alternatively, you can take your crystals to a lake or seashore during a full moon and cleanse them in the water.
Lunar Crystals
Celestite: links you to your spirit guides, illuminates your way during your dream state.
Azurite: known as the “stone of heaven”, can help attune your mind to the psychic world.
Aquamarine: an ideal dream crystal, tunes you into the rhythms of the sea and the depths of your spirit.
Moonstone: used to balance your hormonal cycle, calms unsettled emotions, helps induce lucid dreaming.
Citrine: a crystal of the sun but used to prevent nightmares and enable a good nights sleep.
Pearls: symbolic of the moon, originating from the sea they represent purity, clarity and grace.
Clear Quartz: a strong affinity with the moon and used in healing.
Any circular white stones or pebbles can be used to represent the full moon, or to increase your connections with her.
Angel Healing During or After a Full Moon
A time for sending out a healing prayer for someone who is unwell. Ensure that you ask their permission before performing any energy work for someone. Light a candle in honour of this person. Write down the name of the person requiring healing, and their ailment. Fold the paper twice and hold it above your head to the sky and ask:
“Angel Gabriel, I ask for your help. Please bring your healing touch to (insert name). Remove (insert ailment) from (insert name), for the highest good of all”.
At this point you can either burn the paper in the candle flame or dissolve it in a glass of water and allow it to sit on the windowsill in the moonlight. Visualize the ailment being taken away from the person. End your healing prayer by giving thanks and blowing out the candle.