Reiki is a holistic healing therapy. It is based on the concept of the use of Universal Life Energy that flows into our body and used with the seven primary chakras in our body. Chakras are the energy centers in the human body. Reiki typically concentrates on these specific points.
Reiki was invented and formulated by great Japanese healing teachers. The most influential among them is Mikao Usui. Around 1980, Usui began using the basic Reiki meditation techniques, beliefs, and symbols. Most of the techniques in this meditation therapy are considerably older.
If we think back into ancient cultures and history, the use of energy has been used throughout time. Many of our ancient healing texts speak of healers using their hands to heal and calling on the energy of the universe to offer comfort to others. This is not a new concept, and it is a powerful tool that is available to everyone.

Reiki is based on five spiritual principles, and the accreditation of the healers through various trails and tests.
What are the five spiritual principles?
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
Teachers, students and healers of Reiki believe that we can transmit the flow of Universal Life Energy for ourselves and others. This life force is called ki in Japanese. By using this energy we are capable of healing emotional and spiritual energy in our bodies that may be blocked by trauma and everyday life stress. This therapy connects the energy to the human body but can also be used to heal animals and plants as well.
Many begin by practicing Reiki on themselves. This is done through the placement of their hands on various parts of their body in order to stimulate their own energy flow and connect it with ki or Universal Life Energy.

Learning to Self-Heal
When practicing self healing I put my faith and trust in the universal energy that is all around us. I call upon the pure, positive, healing, energy to enter my hands. Then I allow my intuition to guide my hands to the places on my body that require the most healing. There are specific placement and symbols that many people use. I believe that this healing energy flows naturally through us when we are open to receiving it. However, the symbols and placement can certainly be useful for helping to focus and direct the flow of energy to a specific point. If you chose to practice with the symbols and specific hand placement you will need to devote time to learn and practice them.
There is no specific rule for how long the healing session should take. Once again, I allow myself the time to heal. I let my body and the universal energy flowing through me bring awareness of when to move to another spot on my body or when the session should end. Normally, I allot myself about 30 minutes.
During the session, focus should be on sending energy to those parts of the body that require the most healing. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition as to where your hands should go and which body parts you should touch. You have to feel everything that you are doing. Let the energy flow and feel it vibrating in your hands and eventually all around you.
Reiki treatment can be administered to yourself or to others. In fact, many healers find themselves being drawn to others and forming special bonding groups of self-healers and often do the sessions together. This practice is effective because you don’t only get to heal yourself but others as well. You will learn to heal each other faster and more completely. The secret to it is the sharing of energy and support as the group.
Reiki can also be practiced through group and distance healing. In group healing, there are two or more Reiki practitioners placing their hand over the body of the patient. In distance or absence healing this involves visualizing the patient, his or her illness and sending Reiki healing energy to the patient.