All day long we are making connections and interacting with others. In fact, there could be hundreds of individuals that we have to deal with in a single day. With advanced technology, we are now meeting individuals in person, on the phone, or even via video call. These interactions happen everywhere including at home, at work, and even when you head to the store to pick up your groceries.
These connections come with something other than potential stress. They come with energy. This can be gathered from the interaction or sometimes energy that doesn’t even belong to us. Many times, these connections attract unwanted energy into our bodies that weigh us down and could even make us ill. Therefore, it’s good practice to do cord-cutting daily. If you are going through a particularly difficult time maybe even several times a day. A good rule of thumb is to do this simple exercise when you are getting back home so you don’t bring anything but your own energy into your personal space.
What is cord-cutting?
Cord-cutting is a technique that helps you to remove unwanted energy that has been absorbed by your energy body from someone else. Energy transfer is open-ended, not only can another individual absorb your energy, but you can also absorb theirs. If their energy is negative or low, then there is a good chance you are going to start feeling the same way they do and have no idea why.
It’s best if you enjoy as much cord-free energy as possible. No cords attached!
Even when it comes to our loved ones, let’s cut the cords. We love them but don’t need anyone else’s negative energy.
A Simple DIY Cord Cutting
- Start by taking 3 deep breaths. Breathe slowly and deeply…in through the nose and out through the mouth. Continue these slow and deep breaths until you begin to feel a bit more focused and calmer. - When you feel ready to connect, ask the Universe to bring your spirit guides to assist with cutting these cords that don’t belong to you. - At this time visualize the energy from the Universe severing the cords that have been attached to you. - Once you’ve seen all cords removed. Thank the Universe and your guides for their loving assistance and protection to help us heal.
It’s as simple as that. It’s the power of our minds and the power of divine love and energy. Don’t underestimate the simple things in life.
For some, cord-cutting helps but isn’t enough to sever the connections and energy that we’ve gathered from others. In these cases, it might benefit you to do some cleansing.

Here are a few simple purification techniques to try:
Remove items that hold memories and disrupt your thoughts, these might include photographs or any items that hold memories of the person who has been taking your energy.
Let all your feelings out by writing them down. Don’t share it with anyone, this is for your healing. Once done, destroy it by any means that feels right for you.
Get rid of the clutter in your personal space. Let go of the old. Make room for the air to move around you and for the new energy to come in. I like to go room by room with a few boxes or bags for throwing out, donating, and selling.
Nature has so much healing to offer us so add some plants to your space. Do a little research and find ones that will do well in your space.
Bringing crystals into your home can generate wonderful positive energies. Make sure they are cleansed.
Sometimes changing the scene can help. Maybe you should think to redecorate and reclaim your space.
The goal should be to raise your vibrations to a strong feeling of love. This is where true positive manifestation occurs. Go through all your stuff including pictures on the walls, books on the shelves as well as plates in the cupboard. Go through everything. If you don’t love it or at least like it then get it out of your space. Bring things into your space that raise your vibrations and make you feel good.