If you ask any random person on the street, they will likely tell you that they are stressed. It’s overwhelming at times and affects people in our society today more than ever. There is a huge increased demand on people to be and do everything. We are workers, parents, spouses and many other roles that we need to hold down in our daily lives. Each day we need to deal with traffic, work, money issues and relationship connections that can leave us feeling drained and that the piles of things that need to be done are ever mounting and we can’t seem to get on top of it.
When in these states our minds are in overdrive. We cannot see that in reality we need to change our mindset, increase our vibrations and find some peace in order to bring ourselves back into balance. This isn’t always easy for someone to do on their own and this is where Reiki can help. Many people are now turning to the stress-reducing techniques used in Reiki, a spiritual energy used with healing, meditation and spiritual growth.
When a person is first introduced to Reiki, an initiation takes place called a Reiki Attunement. This brings the person in connection with Reiki energy. Typically it is activated by a trained Reiki master-teacher. During a Reiki Attunement, the person’s dense, negative or stagnant energy is cleared and released. The etheric and chakras fields are strengthened. This allows the person to be able to receive and transmit high frequency healing light.
Stress usually takes over when a person is fearful, doubtful, or full of worry about things that are happening around them. They often live in a constant tense state. Sometimes they don’t even realize it because it has become their new normal. The body naturally reacts with fatigue, moodiness and sometimes, sickness and disease. To relieve stress, one must learn to relax and overcome the fears and worries of everyday life. Reiki helps a person to relieve the emotional and physical strain of stress and to restore balance to the body, soul and mind.
There are several methods used in Reiki to reduce and eliminate stress. One method is crystal healing. In this technique, cleared, cleansed and programmed healing crystals can be placed on the body. Their own healing properties can then be used with the universal energy to offer much needed relief. Another option is to use crystal bowls to create sounds of healing and relaxation. The crystalline sounds carry Reiki energy deep into the body to enhance the relaxation process. Tension is released and the body begins to relax and respond to the Reiki energy.
Another method of Reiki stress management is through healing drumming. Healing drumming introduces Reiki energy to a person’s body by the use of a drum beat. The drumming helps to create a deep, relaxing state as stress is relieved.
There is a deep connection between the physical body, spiritual being, and the mind. Stress affects all three in a negative way. Using Reiki techniques for stress management is one way a person can lead a more relaxed, and peaceful life.