The healing power of Reiki is becoming more well known. Many are now using it as an alternative to natural and traditional healing. Perhaps you are not familiar with this non invasive, simple technique. Don’t worry, you are not alone. Embark on this learning adventure and see what this amazing powerful healing technique can do for you.
Many people are looking for a natural holistic way of healing themselves. They no longer want to fill their bodies with pharmaceutical drugs and fillers or be forced to undergo medical surgeries. Sometimes they are necessary but in many cases Reiki can be used to compliment these practices or as a preventative measure avoid the need for drugs or surgeries entirely.
Reiki is a form of energy healing. As a self healer or if you are healing someone else you serve as a channel for Universal Life Energy. This energy comes from a higher source to aid in healing anything with a life force including humans, animals and plants. This is believed to be beneficial for the body, mind, and soul or the Indian energy centers known as Chakras.
It is believed that the universe has an energy that gives form, structure, and health. This force is also called Chi by the Chinese martial artists. It is said to be capable of healing anything because its energy comes from the basic fundamental levels of reality.
By adding Reiki as a compliment to to their ongoing medical regime or treatment, may patients have noticed positive results. They are different for everyone but can range from increased energy, positive outlook, faster recovery to actually cutting down on some medications that are no longer needed. The positive energy that can be shared with Reiki is truly amazing.
Don’t expect miracles and that after one session you are going to be healed. This may happen but in many cases you need to practice for a reasonable amount of time before positive results can be expected. However, I myself can notice feeling more uplifted, focused and energized after one Reiki session.
In order to benefit from Reiki effectively, the exercise of transferring positive energy must be done with the recipient’s cooperation and willingness to explore this style of healing. A positive mind set is almost a prerequisite to the success of a Reiki treatment. Reiki can also be used on animals and plants and can offer blessings to objects such as homes, cars and other objects that you may use on a regular basis. If you choose to offer Reiki to any living being begin by asking permission. I often give Reiki to my dogs. I always telepathically ask them. If they sit comfortably under my hands I’ll proceed. If they get up to leave, I honour their choice. Normally, they will sit there and enjoy the warmth and love they are being offered.

Here is a simple example of how the healing process is conducted:
Usually, the healer performs some hand rituals and eventually places it over the patient. Many times they will not even need to physically put their hands on the patient and only channel the energy from a few inches from the body. The reason for this is that the Reiki energy is also working on the aura fields on the energy system. There are other Reiki masters that place their hands directly to the patient and keep it there as long as necessary. Every healer has their own technique so if you plan to work with someone for healing ensure you know how they offer the healing and if this is comfortable for you.
In addition, there is also distance healing, also known as Reiki remote healing. This can be done with either a picture of the person or an object belonging to that person. This picture of object will represent the patient and it can be used by the healer in place of the actual person.
The medical and scientific community is finally beginning to be willing to acknowledge the power in positive energy, when it is used for its healing potential. This community is typically a skeptical group so to hear that they can see the benefits of positive healing energy in the healing process is a big leap forward. There are no known negative side effects so honestly, what have you got to lose.