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Protection and Precautions to Consider for Spiritual Practices

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

Working with spirits, angels, guides, ancestors, and dearly departed loved ones is amazing. It will bring so much joy and happiness into your life. They will help you to have more ease and flow in your world. They will offer incredible guidance and hope for the future. I do not discourage this connection. However, I truly feel that it is also important to share a few precautions and ideas for spiritual protection.

I’ve personally experienced enough in my lifetime to know that not everything is full of light. When you wish to work with any being, it is in my opinion, extremely important to ensure that you are calling on light beings. They will provide you information and guidance which is in your best interests. Others may be drawn to working with darker entities. This may seem intriguing to some, but unless you know what you are doing, I’d steer clear. Working with dark entities can come back at you in an unexpectedly and potentially negative way.

In general, I believe that during your spiritual practices most of the time you will encounter beings of light. Especially if you work with the light, keep your vibrations high, and fill your heart with love and kindness. However, darkness is also attracted to light. When you are a lightworker it is always good to take some precautions. I’m not attempting to scare anyone away from working with spirit, only to be cautious.

Whenever you ask a spiritual being to connect with you, it is a good idea to make your intentions known before any form of communication even meditation. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated. When we wish to work with spirit, even if it is with our higher self, it is wise to ensure that we work with energy that is positive.

Throughout my experiences, I have had the honour and pleasure of working with amazing beings who have offered me tremendous growth and love.

Unfortunately, there is another side, and to be clear I’m not referring to shadow work. Shadow work is something we can discuss later. I’m talking about dark entities. I don’t typically work with dark entities. As a person who works with light, it is important that you also understand there can be darkness as well. Darkness isn’t always bad. Sometimes these are truly scared and lost souls. They are just trapped in fear, confusion, and other low vibrations that have them stuck in dark energy. These may be beings who did not cross over. They may not even realize they have passed. Perhaps they have unfinished business that they need to address. They may not necessarily be evil, but their actions may seem frightening to us.

Over the years, I’ve helped to clear several homes. I’ve helped to cross over these types of souls into the light. Actually, this is quite a beautiful experience. It is truly spirit work to help another soul find their way home. Being trapped between planes can be unsettling not only for the spirit but for those people alive who dwell among them.

There are other entities who also dwell among the living. I’m not going to go into what they are all about, as that is not the purpose of this post. However, I have encountered them, and I can tell you firsthand it is not an enjoyable experience. Unless you are equipped with the knowledge and ability to work with them and to help them (if possible), I’d strongly encourage you to stay as far away as possible for interacting with them.

Sometimes you will find that a place has dark energy. Perhaps an entire property, home, room, or even an object that makes you uncomfortable. This doesn’t necessarily mean there is a dark entity present it may just be stagnant and residual energy. I always air on the side of caution.

I’ve lived in several places that contained either dark energy or dark entities. When you are a being of light, darkness is drawn to you. This is why it is important to learn to raise your vibrations and work with your intuition and faith. It’s not only for manifestation but to ensure you only attract that which is in your best interests and to help you with your soul purpose.

When I find myself in a situation where I’m faced with this type of energy, the first thing I do is protect myself. Have you ever found yourself feeling uneasy, maybe you don’t even know why? You just feel chills or creeped out like someone is behind you or close to you. All you want to do is get out of there as soon as possible. This is a perfect time to call on some protection.

This is where faith and intention work together to create a protective spiritual shield around you like a loving bubble of light. I simply say a quick prayer “white light surround and protect me”. At that point, I visualize a beautiful, radiant ball of light coming from my heart center. I’ll envision and ask that the light fully encircle my entire being. Depending on the level of discomfort, I may project this light several feet from my body. Normally, I will envelop the light around me by at least a foot or two from my physical body ensuring it covers me from head to toe.

If this is my own home and someplace where I dwell, or I'm given permission by the owner then in addition to the white light protection I will also smudge. This is a wonderful way of clearing the air and the energy in a space. I will go into how this is done in a future post. I grew up around indigenous people in Canada and was taught their ways. I’ve used this technique my entire life. In fact, smudging can be something you do on a regular basis whether there is anything dark or not. It is a great way to get the stale energy moving, removing any unwanted energy and it makes the place feel lighter. Smudging is also an excellent thing to do when you are connecting with spirit. Another level of protection.

One of my favourite protection tools is working with crystals. I’m a crystal (gemstone) lady and I have many of them. I have them around my home, keep them in my purse and wear them as jewelery. They are not only beautiful but powerful. As protection, they can be incredibly valuable. My suggestion would be to hold or surround yourself with protection stones. There are many to choose from and I’ll be talking about gemstones in future posts. I’d recommend before using the stones to put them out in the moonlight with the intention that they be cleared of any residual energy and programmed for spiritual protection. Alternatively, if you feel more connected to something like a cross or other protection piece then certainly feel free to use that.

If you feel that the entire home or property needs extra protection you can also consider gridding with crystals and activating their light each night. I’ll explain this technique in a later post.

As well, I will never understate the power of prayer. The small white light protection prayer is good but if you are dealing with something darker a full-on prayer session may help tremendously. Call on whatever being you like to work with and ask them to stand by you and watch over you. They already are with you, however, they will offer added comfort and you will feel better knowing you’ve asked them to stand at your side.

Before I begin any type of communication or connection with spirit, I say a little prayer. You can tailor it to suit you. I usually say something along the lines of “Great Spirit, I ask you to watch over and protect me while I receive divine love, knowledge, and guidance. I ask that any guides, angels, spirits, ascended masters, ancestors, and departed loved ones who wish to share with me be granted time to speak with me. Any other beings are not welcome currently, only those you deem are here for my best interests. As always, thank you for surrounding and protecting me with your light and love.”

Ensure that your intention is to ask for protection and that only those who are there to offer guidance be allowed to join.

Depending on the level of darkness I’m dealing with in a property, home, room, or object I may call on my other physical and non-physical friends of light to assist in attempting to banish the darkness. This requires another level of knowledge and abilities. If you find yourself in this situation and none of these other techniques are working, I recommend calling in for reinforcements. Ask for references and ask them questions so you know what to expect and how the process works. You may be asked to join but it’s important that you use your intuition and determine what works best for you.

Once you have finished your spiritual session whether meditation, channeling, or prayers always show your gratitude. Thank them for being there and working with you.

If you do find that you are getting strange messages or information during the session or you are feeling a dark presence or some form of negative energy then reaffirm your intention to work with light beings only. Call on angels of protection to help you. If you feel the energy is not changing then you may want to close the session and work on some clearing techniques before you begin again.

Remember, spirits of light are not with us to make us feel bad about ourselves or do bad things to ourselves or others. If these are the types of messages you are receiving, you aren’t working with beings of light.

Don’t be afraid, only be cautious. Keep your energy light and your heart full of love. Beings of light will be there to love and guide you as well as protect you.



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