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Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

We all have an inner voice, called intuition and it is trying to talk with us. Do you pay attention? To be clear this isn’t the voice that puts you down and tells you that you aren’t worthy or aren’t enough. The inner voice I’m referring to is gentle and loving. It softly whispers ideas and guidance to you. That other voice is alive and well in your subconscious. It will tell you all kinds of things to convince you to not pay attention to the softer voice. If you only listen to the subconscious you will always remain in your comfort zone. Growth is very slow there. You will be too busy convincing yourself to always play it safe. Unfortunately, most of us tend to pay attention to the voice that tells us things we shouldn’t be listening to. Society programs us and manipulates us. All the experiences we’ve had in life have had an effect. Sometimes it is easier to believe bad things about ourselves than consider that perhaps we are really deserving and far greater than we’ve given ourselves credit.

The gentle voice that gives us loving nudges is our intuition and is often ignored. If we can even hear over the hum of self-doubt. Remember one thing, the gentle voice really does have our best interests at heart. The other voice, you know the louder and more aggressive one does not. It’s not that it is trying to hold us back, it is trying to protect us by keeping us from doing anything it may consider a risk. You might be thinking, well isn’t protecting us a good thing? Of course, we need to know when something is dangerous. We shouldn’t just arbitrarily do everything outside our comfort zone and take risk after risk. However, by always living in a protective mode our soul is limited in growth. You won’t have the true fulfillment of your soul purpose by always playing it safe. Eventually, you’ll begin to feel it. That nagging feeling of discontent about life. That feeling has a rippling effect on your mood, self-esteem and ultimately your physical and mental health.

If you are brave enough to not only listen to that gentle voice of intuition but also be willing to take action things will begin to happen. You will go beyond your comfort zone. Take comfort in knowing that your intuition always has your best interests at heart. It will challenge you but will also support you. Everything it gives you will be something you are capable of even if you may be doubting your own abilities. Your intuition will gently nudge you into situations and directions that may scare you. However, the rewards have the potential to be huge and fulfilling beyond your wildest expectations. Keep listening to your intuition, it will also gently nudge you when its time to stop and turn around. Sometimes it’s the lesson you need to learn and not necessarily the outcome you are hoping for. When we think of something scary, we perceive all kinds of outcomes that try to steer us from doing it. When you tune into your intuition and allow it to be your guide it may surprise you at how much easier it was then you first expected. You’ll feel accomplished and brave and capable of taking on more scary and challenging opportunities. In addition, you will be alerting the Universe to send more good fortune your way. Your life experiences will be enhanced. You may be surprised how it can offer you paths that maybe you didn’t even know existed.

For most people, learning to listen to your intuition requires practice, time, and patience. You may question which voice is talking with you. That louder voice typically sounds reasonable but remember its goal is to keep you safe. If you aren’t used to using your intuition it may be more challenging at first. Try to use it more often and it will eventually be the dominant voice talking with you and will open your world to countless possibilities. Let’s take a moment and talk about these two voices that talk with us. The quiet voice and what some call the shadow voice. The first thing is to watch out for hunches, feelings or ideas that may crop up. When they do, pay attention to which voice accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, and supportive? Does it offer you both sides of a situation and isn’t just trying to convince you to stay safe? Or, is the voice aggressive and domineering? Is the shadow voice giving you warnings and constantly making you doubt yourself? A loving gentle and insistent voice is your intuition calling.

Intuition isn’t based on logic. You can’t justify or give a reason as to why you feel or think about something in a certain way. However, with practice, you will begin to trust your inner voice. You’ll learn to know when something is the right thing to do and in your own best interests. You will recognize the shadow voice and instead follow a path that is in your best interests. As you begin to develop your intuition, start off with small decisions. Don’t consider making life-changing decisions based on your intuition without knowing what voice you are listening to and that comes with a bit of practice. Ask your intuition to guide you with some small decisions to start. Wait for that gentle knowing to present itself. Be patient, as the answer may not be immediate but when it comes to you then you’ll know without a doubt. It will feel right for you.

Over time, as you tune in, listen, and follow your intuition, you'll find you suffer less from worry or anxiety. You'll trust all will work out well. Your life will be easier, and you’ll create a life that is better than you could ever have imagined!



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