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Let's Learn The Basics About The Throat Chakra

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Fifth Chakra – Throat

Represented as a 16 Petal Blue Lotus Flower

In Sanskrit, the Throat Chakra is called ‘Vishuddha’.

Its meaning is ‘Especially Pure’.


  • The Throat Chakra is the center of your authentic voice.

  • It governs all forms of communication including writing and speaking as well as sound.

  • When we are unable to speak our truth, the Throat Chakra begins to slow down as it gets heavy with unexpressed feelings like grief and fear.

  • This is also the energy center where we can finally let go of these pent-up emotions by finally speaking our truth.

  • When balanced, the Throat Chakra, allows us to speak our minds and our hearts. We feel inspired and hold no fear or anxiety about sharing our opinions, thoughts, and feelings.

  • Speaking ill of others, being gossipy or dishonest can cause this Chakra to become weakened.

  • When the Throat Chakra is out of balance, we could feel weak, timid, and unwilling to speak. We may feel repressed to express our thoughts and emotions.

Qualities: Communication, Wisdom, Confidence, Truth, Freedom, Independence,

Creativity, Inspiration, and Self-Expression.

Colour: Light Blue or Turquoise

Location: Mid Centre of The Throat.

Age: 35 years to 42 years

Governs Bodily

Functions: Thyroid and Head.

Deals With: Truth

Blocked By: Lies

Life Issues: To summon your strength and will to speak your authentic voice

and express yourself.

Gemstones: Aquamarine, Azurite, Sodalite, Turquoise, and Blue Sapphire.

Element: Ethers

Musical Note: G

Plant: Gardenia

Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, and Frankincense.

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Sage, Chamomile, Gardenia, and Ylang Ylang.

Physical Alexander Technique, Yoga, Theatre Sports or Dance, Tai Chi.

Spiritual Prayer, Meditation, Silent Retreats, Public Speaking, Singing,

Activities: Chanting, and Journalling.

Mythological Sparrow Hawk


Verb: I Speak

Affirmation: I Am Worthy of Being Heard.



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