Fifth Chakra – Throat
Represented as a 16 Petal Blue Lotus Flower
In Sanskrit, the Throat Chakra is called ‘Vishuddha’.
Its meaning is ‘Especially Pure’.

The Throat Chakra is the center of your authentic voice.
It governs all forms of communication including writing and speaking as well as sound.
When we are unable to speak our truth, the Throat Chakra begins to slow down as it gets heavy with unexpressed feelings like grief and fear.
This is also the energy center where we can finally let go of these pent-up emotions by finally speaking our truth.
When balanced, the Throat Chakra, allows us to speak our minds and our hearts. We feel inspired and hold no fear or anxiety about sharing our opinions, thoughts, and feelings.
Speaking ill of others, being gossipy or dishonest can cause this Chakra to become weakened.
When the Throat Chakra is out of balance, we could feel weak, timid, and unwilling to speak. We may feel repressed to express our thoughts and emotions.
Qualities: Communication, Wisdom, Confidence, Truth, Freedom, Independence,
Creativity, Inspiration, and Self-Expression.
Colour: Light Blue or Turquoise
Location: Mid Centre of The Throat.
Age: 35 years to 42 years
Governs Bodily
Functions: Thyroid and Head.
Deals With: Truth
Blocked By: Lies
Life Issues: To summon your strength and will to speak your authentic voice
and express yourself.

Gemstones: Aquamarine, Azurite, Sodalite, Turquoise, and Blue Sapphire.
Element: Ethers
Musical Note: G

Plant: Gardenia
Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, and Frankincense.
Essential Oils: Rosewood, Sage, Chamomile, Gardenia, and Ylang Ylang.
Physical Alexander Technique, Yoga, Theatre Sports or Dance, Tai Chi.
Spiritual Prayer, Meditation, Silent Retreats, Public Speaking, Singing,
Activities: Chanting, and Journalling.

Mythological Sparrow Hawk
Verb: I Speak
Affirmation: I Am Worthy of Being Heard.
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