Sixth Chakra – Third Eye or Brow
Represented as a 2 Petal Purple Lotus Flower
In Sanskrit, the Brow Chakra is called ‘Ajna’.
Its meaning is ‘To Perceive. To Know.’

This is the energy control center for a strong mind.
By our mid-thirties, this is normally fully activated.
Allows us to have clear thoughts and begin to question those things of our awakening mind.
This holds the power of our mind, intuition, memory, and psychic abilities. Here we can tune into our higher self and guidance through spirit guides, angels, and channeling.
We begin to see the world and ourselves not only at a physical and emotional level but also mentally. We begin to see the bigger picture.
The Brow helps us to become aware of our limiting beliefs, and how we view ourselves. We recognize our self-worth. We analyze the attitudes and beliefs that have shaped our world. Are they ours or something programmed into us?
When balanced, the Brow Chakra has you feeling like the master of your destiny. You are now open and free. You’ve purged the negative and selfish attitudes. You no longer fear death and don’t put so much emphasis on material objects. Now you are open to experiencing other forms of spiritual connection such as telepathy or Akashic Records.
When the Brow Chakra is not balanced, you are going to feel powerless, and afraid to be yourself and go for what you want, the fear of failure is stronger than your desire for success.
Qualities: Knowledge, Wisdom, Intuition, Peace of Mind, Manifestation,
and Psychic Abilities.
Colour: Indigo
Location: Between the eyebrows.
Age: 35 years to 42 years
Governs Bodily
Functions: Pituitary Gland
Deals With: Insight
Blocked By: Illusion
Life Issues: To know yourself, who you are and what is best for you and brings you the greatest joy. To gain wisdom from life experiences whether good or bad. To make good choices that will bring fulfillment into your world.

Gemstones: Sapphire, Tanzanite, and Lapis Lazuli
Element: The Cosmos
Musical Note: A

Plant: Almond Blossom
Herbs: Jasmine, Mint, and Star Anise.
Essential Oils: Sweet Pea, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Juniper, and Pine.
Physical Yoga, Qi Gong
Spiritual Contemplation, Meditation, Visualization of dreams and desires
Activities: Enjoying inspirational books or films, and Reflection.

Animal: Hawk
Verb: I See
Affirmation: I Am Guided.