Third Chakra – Solar Plexus
Represented as a 10 Petal Yellow Lotus Flower
In Sanskrit, the Solar Plexus Chakra is called ‘Manipura’.
Its meaning is ‘Lustrous Jewel’.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of personal power and identity.
It begins to develop in our teens and throughout our early 20s.
It is where our personality and ego develop. Here is where we come into connection with all of our selfs: self-worth, self-confidence, self-respect, self-esteem and more.
This Chakra helps us to choose what and who is best for us.
Here we hold big emotions like hate, anger, and fear. However, this is also where our biggest hopes and desires reside.
If too open, we can be easily hurt by the judgments of others. If it’s too closed, we may not be able to interpret the guidance that our gut offers us.
When this Chakra is balanced, we’ll feel joyful and happy, we’ll know our self-worth, and have personal respect. We won’t be afraid to be expressive and take on challenges as we have a strong sense of personal power.
When it’s not balanced, we feel afraid, not capable, confused, and worried about what others think of us and what we do. Often feel depressed and that we lack control of our own lives.
Qualities: Personal Power, Self-Control, Inner Strength, Confidence, Self-Worth,
Joy, and Vitality.
Colour: Yellow
Location: Located between the navel and lower chest, where the ribs begin to
spread. Directly below the sternum and over the stomach.
Age: 14 years to 21 years
Governs Bodily
Functions: Pancreas, liver, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, and intestines.
Deals With: Willpower
Blocked By: Shame
Life Issues: To develop a strong sense of self. To know your own worth and
that your existence matters.

Gemstones: Citrine, Topaz, and Amber.
Element: Fire
Musical Note: E

Plant: Carnation
Herbs: Bergamot, Rosemary
Essential Oils: Lime, Lemon, Grapefruit
Physical Sports, Competitive Programs, Hiking.
Spiritual Solitude, Psychotherapy, Leadership Programs

Animal: Lion
Verb: I Do
Affirmation: I Am Empowered.