Second Chakra - Sacral or Belly
Represented as a 6 Petal Orange Lotus Flower
In Sanskrit, the Sacral Chakra is called ‘Svadhisthana’.
Its meaning is ‘my sweet abode’.

This is the center for our physical health and well-being.
Focuses on a strong immune system. Ensuring our physical body is working well.
This Chakra is influenced by how emotions were managed in childhood. This is where we hold emotional trauma.
Controls our appetite for food, sex, and pleasure.
For proper function, there needs to be a balance between control and knowing when to let go.
Is concerned with what we feel we deserve. Gives permission to have the things we want.
It governs our sense of self-worth.
Helps us to relate to others openly and in a friendly way.
It desires pleasure in our lives. Searches for what can easily bring joy and pleasure into life.
Empowers our intimacy and connection with others.
When properly balanced, this Chakra allows us to flow with emotions. To feel that we deserve happiness and let us freely reach out to others.
Qualities: Sexuality, Sensuality, Pleasure, Joy, Openness to Others, Abundance.
If Blocked: If blocked there is a lack of control of emotions. May become explosive,
or unable to express themselves. A person may become obsessed with
sex or wish to abstain entirely.
Colour: Orange
Location: Located in the middle of the belly about 2’ below the naval.
Age: 7 years to 14 years
Governs Bodily
Functions: Ovaries and Testes
Deals With: Pleasure and Desire.
Blocked By: Guilt
Life Issues: To know that you are worthy of what you desire. To know you are enough. To have enough of everything in life. Not to link self-worth to what you have or don’t have. To create healthy boundaries.

Gemstones: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger’s Eye, Onyx
Element: Water
Musical Note: D

Plant: Jasmine
Herbs: Gardenia and Ylang-Ylang
Essential Oils: Jasmine, Neroli, Orange Blossom, Clary Sage
Physical Yoga, Dancing, and Swimming.
Spiritual Meditation, Fasting, and Celibacy.

Mythological A hungry sea monster.
Verb: I Feel
Affirmation: I Am Creative and Inspired