First Chakra - Root or Support
Represented as a 4 Petal Red Lotus Flower.
In Sanskrit, the Root Chakra is called ‘Muladhara’.
Mula meaning root and Adhara meaning base or support.

Known as the Survival Chakra. Focuses on staying alive. Ensuring you have shelter, food, and stability.
Carries all the survival instincts from our ancestors. The roots of diseases are transmitted down family lines as well as spiritual traits.
Creating a deep sense of security helps the Root Chakra to function properly allowing us to remain patient and focused.
Deeply connected to Mother Earth, the Root Chakra grounds us and anchors us allowing us to remain resourceful and hopeful about our future and life.
We can strengthen the Root Chakra by remaining positive and open to possibilities.
The Root Chakra is the center of manifestation. The energy to succeed in your endeavors comes from this Chakra.
Qualities: Survival, Safety, Grounding, Security, Ability to Manifest Dreams and
Achieve Goals, Vitality, Courage, Patience, Structure, and Stability.

Colour: Red
Location: Located at the base of the spine.
At the tailbone in the back, and the pubic bone in front.
Age: Conception to Age 7
Governs Bodily
Functions: Cortex of the adrenal gland (on the upper end of each kidney in
humans), it secretes steroid hormones. Controls the flow of adrenaline.
Deals With: Survival
Blocked By: Fear
Life Issues: To trust and feel safe in the world.
To overcome despair, and not give us.

Gemstones: Ruby, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, and Hematite.
Element: Earth
Musical Note: C

Plant: Sage
Herbs: Cinnamon and Garlic
Physical Movement that activates the legs and feet.
Activities: Grounding activities such as walks in nature.
Spiritual Being present and noticing the beauty of the natural world.
Mythological White elephant with seven trunks.

Verb: I Am
Affirmation: I Am Loved & Supported.