Seventh Chakra – Crown
Represented as a 1,000 Petal Lotus Flower
In Sanskrit, the Crown chakra is called ‘Sahasrara’.
Its meaning is ‘Thousandfold’.

In the human energy system, this is the healing center.
As we start our spiritual development this Chakra begins to open.
It is the center of spirituality and awakenings.
This is where we come to know a higher connection to the source. We begin to understand that it is always present in our lives.
It is said that each of us has a silver cord that connects the aura bodies, and it comes from the crown. At death and birth, the Crown Chakra is the entrance and exit point of the soul from the physical body.
This Chakra connects us to Spirit, divine and spiritual wisdom.
When the Crown Chakra is balanced, we have total access to the unconscious, subconscious minds, and the spiritual realm.
If the Crown is unbalanced, there is a lack of a spark of vitality. Perhaps a feeling of frustration about life and your feelings.
Qualities: Unity, Wisdom, Universal Consciousness, Enlightenment, Oneness,
Purpose, and Grace.
Colour: Violet
Location: Top of the head.
Age: 42 years to 49 years
Governs Bodily
Functions: Pineal Gland.
Deals With: Cosmic Energy
Blocked By: Ego Attachment
Life Issues: Selfless realization of your unending connection with all of life.

Gemstones: Amethyst, Apophyllite, Diamond
Element: The Cosmos - Thought
Musical Note: B

Plant: Lotus Flower
Herbs: Frankincense, and Neroli.
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Neroli, Rose, and Lavender.
Activities: None. Be Still.
Activities: Prayer, Meditation, Reflection.

Animal: Eagle
Verb: I Understand
Affirmation: I Am One With The Universe.
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