Let’s start at the beginning by explaining what a Chakra is. It’s a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel of light’. It can be considered an energy point within your body. A spinning wheel of conscious energy.
Although some say that they spin, in my experience, they are more of a spiral or a vortex. It’s like dipping your finger into a glass of water and swirling it around. For me, this is the motion of the Chakras when they are spinning and activated. Each one also has its own energy vibration. When a Chakra is not working properly, they tend to spin slowly and are sluggish. In extreme cases, they may not be moving at all. Clairvoyants have seen Chakras as spinning wheels of light with lotus flowers. If this is helpful for visualization, then definitely use it to align and activate Chakras.
Here are a couple of images to give you an idea of how they look to me. Visualization is fantastic to use during spiritual work. It allows you to get a better image in your mind as your starting point. As you progress and begin to trust your intuition and divine knowledge passed to you, then you too will have your own visuals to guide you. They may be very different from mine. Whatever works best for you.

Balancing and healing our energy systems through our Chakras is an ancient technique used for thousands of years. The ancient people were deeply connected to the Earth and its energies. They had great respect and appreciation for all of nature and were taught to harness its power and their own to reach greater states of consciousness and enhance spiritual growth. They were able to understand that all life has energy. That we are not separate from nature but one with all living things including the planet. We have so much to learn from our ancestors.
The Chakras reside in our Etheric aura body, which is the layer of energy closest to our physical body. They are aligned to our spinal column. They begin at the base of the spine and complete at the top of the head. There are seven major Chakras associated with the physical body. Each has unique characteristics, including:
· Connected to a Specific Major Body Organ;
· A Colour Vibration;
· Behavioural and Emotional Characteristics;
· Stages of Spiritual Growth;
· An Element;
· Different Musical Notes;
· Various Crystals and Gemstones;
· Herbs and Essential Oils;
· And Much More.
Understanding how to fine-tune Chakras through yoga and meditation can help bring balance and peace to the mind, body, and spirit. They work in perfect synchronicity with our endocrine system.

The Seven Chakras are:
· The Root Chakra ‘Muladhara’
Affects how we feel about our life in general, our sense of security, and our ability to look after ourselves.
· The Sacral Chakra ‘Svadhisthana’
Affects our sense of well-being, especially where sexuality is concerned. It affects our feelings of abundance.
· The Solar Plexus Chakra ‘Manipura’
Affects our sense of self. In particular, self-worth and our insecurities.
· The Heart Chakra ‘Anahata’
Affects our sense of inner peace. How we give and receive love.
· The Throat Chakra ‘Vishuddha’
Affects our ability to communicate with others and how we express ourselves.
· The Brow Chakra ‘Ajna’
Deals with our connection to the divine. Psychic abilities and understanding on achieving enlightenment.
· The Crown Chakra ‘Sahasrara’
Links us to the way we connect our life in a spiritual way.
When balancing the Chakras, the goal is to have them spinning and vibrating in sync with each other. When I’m balancing my own or someone else’s Chakras, I tend to focus more on the colour and energy of the Chakras. How does the energy feel? Use your intuition, don’t think so much. Let yourself be guided. You know where you must be healed.
When I’m working on a Chakra, I’ll concentrate on its radiance. If I visualize it slow and grey-coloured, almost like it’s been sitting under years of dust, then I know it has slowed down or weakened. Once activated again, the brightness returns. The spinning of the wheel and the way the energy radiates from its center tells me when I can proceed to the next Chakra. Using Reiki during an alignment can help me sense the energy pulsing from the Chakra while I visualize the swirling of the wheel. Another helpful tool that can be used is a pendulum. By using the pendulum, it can offer insight if more needs to be done on a specific Chakra or if the activation is complete and healing has begun.

After a Chakra alignment, some people may have a sense of fatigue or even a headache. However, most experiences I’ve had are feelings of being lighter, more joyful, clear-headed, and focused. That the body has purged or is invigorated and is now open and ready to engage in life. How you react to Chakra alignment and balancing depends on many factors including your individual spiritual practices and development, physical condition, current energy level, illness, and stress levels.
If Chakras are not balanced, or if their energies are blocked or stagnant, the body’s basic life force slows down. People feel it in their physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual being. Physically, people begin to feel fatigued, listless, or drained. No amount of sleep seems to be enough. Emotionally, many people find themselves depressed, unable to control their emotions, or feeling disconnected emotionally from themselves and others. Mentally, there is a feeling of confusion, lack of concentration, and feeling of being unfocused even with daily routine tasks. Spiritually, there is a disconnect from the divine which is followed by feeling alone. Your mind is preoccupied with negative thoughts and feelings like fear and doubt, so you don’t feel compelled to focus spiritually on those beings who can help.
When left untreated, our bodies can manifest illness and disease, both physically and mentally. If you are experiencing symptoms and nothing seems to be working, a Chakra alignment may be something you want to consider. If it persists, then I’d urge and recommend that you seek additional medical help to ensure there is not an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Although an attempt to balance your Chakras can only offer additional assistance in the healing process.

If our Chakras are in a relatively constant balance, it promotes health and a sense of well-being. There is a fine balance with the Chakras, it is recommended that they be balanced regularly. How often will depend on how you are feeling, however, I’d recommend every few months as a minimum.
When humans experience unpleasant things in life, our bodies naturally attempt to protect themselves by stopping the feelings that we are experiencing at that time. Think about when someone hurts you, you may cry, but how often do we really let it out? Often, we try to hold it back or bury it down. This stops the natural energy flow and creates blockages. Whenever a person blocks whatever experience they are having, they, in turn, block their Chakras, causing it to slow down or stop swirling entirely this hinders the ability for the universal energy and healing to work optimally in that energy center.
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