Before we go too deep into spiritual healing and awareness, let’s examine more what the words Spirit and Spirituality mean.
Spirit refers to the non-physical part of a person that consists of their feelings and character. Spirit can also be referred to as a benevolent being. A non-physical entity that can become visible and interact with individuals.
Like Spirit, the concept of Spirituality has a long history but no known origin. In Eastern cultures, there are spiritual texts that date back thousands of years. In oral folklore, the stories go back even further. Regardless of the ancient culture, you’ll likely find stories of people who were said to be spiritually awakened or enlightened.
Spirituality involves the belief and having faith that there is something greater than us. That we are part of and one with the great and divine nature of the Universe. Many people have had experiences that show us that there is something greater than ourselves and that we are not alone. We’ve been able to connect to a great energy source.

This beautiful, positive, loving energy force goes by many names. It’s been called our higher consciousness, the universe or universal energy, God, the divine or divine energy, Spirit or Great Spirit, and there are even more.
Many people the world over believe in a higher power of some type. I find it interesting that most people are fine if you talk to God, Jesus, or angels through prayer. When you start talking to spirits and guides, people begin to get concerned that you are going crazy. You might even ask yourself that same question. Why is that so impossible? Learn to have faith in what feels right for you. Trust yourself. Allow the Universe and your higher self to guide you.

Through our spiritual evolution and connections, we will encounter beings that will offer their guidance and assistance. You may find yourself in the company of angels, spirit guides, ascended masters like Buddha or Jesus, beings of another species, dearly departed loved ones, or even those on the other side who love you and want to offer guidance to help you along the way. We are never alone. They are waiting to be of assistance to us. All we need to do is ask.
I’m not going to claim I know exactly what this great Spirit is. It might be human or alien or even pure energy. Maybe it is genderless or maybe it’s they and there is a man and woman or an entire counsel. Until I pass over, I won’t know and I’m okay with not being entirely sure what to expect.
Whatever this power is, I know it is great. I’ve had enough personal experiences to know what is possible. They bring much love and compassion to our lives. The knowledge that is offered is incredible. When you learn to tap into their guidance and love Spirit can change your life.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else believes. What I choose to do is what feels right for me. What I believe makes sense to me. It doesn’t have to be the same for you. Find your own path and journey. Believe in what feels true and right for you.