Let me begin by asking a question. Does the world seem a bit different to you? For me, it feels like we are on the edge of a new time on this planet. Almost like this world that we’ve been blindly living through can no longer be sustained. In spiritual terms, the veil is lifting. Together we are creating and ushering in a new reality. Right before our eyes, it is unfolding and at some point, in the near future, it will fully form. Perhaps not everyone can see this new reality with their physical senses yet. However, the bodies, consciousness, intuition, and dreams of millions of people worldwide are already actively involved in a new spiritual consciousness that is emerging.
For many, the ushering of this new reality may begin in quiet and subtle whispers from Spirit. Like a gentle nudge that is opening your heart. Others may find that the call from Spirit is louder and more like a push. Either way, Spirit is wanting to speak to you. It is waiting for you to embrace their connection. This connection will help open the awareness to new possibilities that would otherwise not be something you may have even considered.
Spirit speaks to each soul in a unique way. Many hear voices, experience signs, or get visions. However, there are also more subtle ways that it may speak to us. You may find yourself experiencing a spark of creative inspiration. An idea that blossoms in your mind out of thin air and makes you feel compelled to pursue it. These callings open our hearts and create a desire to give more of ourselves to others. You may form a healing connection with a person, plant, or animal and it transforms your life in an unexpected way. There is no specific blueprint for how this works because it is unique for everyone. Inner wisdom and intuition will be your guide. Remember that you may receive this in the most unusual of circumstances. Keep an open mind.

Experiencing the connection with Spirit may be like a shining beacon of light. It illuminates our path and can transform our lives. It can also uncover the parts we have hidden from ourselves that we have carried with us for perhaps a very long time. This loving Universal light may force you to uncover that pain and release it allowing for a renewed sense of healing and harmony in your life. Many of us are experiencing or at least noticing a change in our awareness. Consciously we are looking at life through a different set of lenses. This is part of spiritual awakening, and it is happening on Earth for an increasing number of the population. For many, this isn’t something that can be seen with the eyes. It is more a deep knowing. We are beginning to feel it within our hearts. Life is asking us to love more, let go of past pain and grudges and move forward with more thought and consideration for the Earth and all the lives that call this magnificent planet their home.

We are no longer satisfied to focus only on ourselves and our own gratification. To truly evolve as a species and move courageously into the future of this planet we need to do things differently. Each of us should develop and nurture respect for life, the Earth, and the other souls that share this planet. Collectively come together, and instead of fighting for supremacy, help one another and lift each other up. I envision a collective spiritual consciousness. One that is no longer separated from the physical plane but instead becomes an integral part of life. A spiritual consciousness that is shared among all living beings. We finally understand that from this foundation we can begin to build loving and supportive lives on Earth. Truly, I believe this has already begun. This is a significant time in the history of humanity. Imagine what we can accomplish together.

Like all other souls that chose to be incarnated at this time we are here to experience and participate in the awakening of spiritual consciousness. You may not realize it, but your presence has a purpose in this awakening. Through your unique gifts, you will help to usher in this new reality. Sharing it will allow you to partner with Spirit and other spiritual beings and realms. Connecting to like-minded and like-hearted souls will help to create this new Earth. Your work and gifts are important to us all.