We are all created with inner wisdom that helps us through life. It guides us and serves as an inner truth meter. When we are faced with difficult situations or important decisions, we can trust this inner knowledge to help us during these critical times. This inner wisdom communicates with us. This voice is a helper to humanity. It is a natural gift we each possess that many call intuition.
With the speed of life and the number of things that many must accomplish in a day, this voice that offers gentle nudges to us can often be overlooked. Our minds are consumed with so much chatter that we often can’t hear that loving voice urging us to follow its direction. Instead, we often hear another voice which many call the shadow voice. This is a loud, demanding voice that lives in our subconscious. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, it is there to protect us from taking every risk presented to us. However, it doesn’t consider that some of these risks should be taken for growth, lessons, or to push ourselves beyond our comfort level for fulfillment of our purpose, life, and ultimate joy.

Everyone uses inner wisdom and connects to it in their own unique way. Artists of all kinds call upon intuition to be inspired with creative ideas. They may see it in visions or hear it in the wind. If a person uses great physical or mental endurance like athletes or scientists, they may use inner wisdom to challenge their boundaries and limits. They may use it to push themselves to not listen to their subconscious but instead listen to their intuition. By following it they can work towards breaking through barriers that stand between them and their goals.
Many others live such busy lives that there is little time to seek inner wisdom or listen to intuition. However, even if we don’t listen or seek it we still have one part of us that tends to keep us connected. We have our dreams and desires, wishes, and hopes. They serve as messengers sharing information about what we want to aim towards. Even if this gets tuned out during a busy day. In our quiet moments we reflect on these and it keeps it alive in us. Whether we chose to act depends entirely on our free will and the courage to take a risk. However, the chance of great reward may be a strong motivator.
Intuition is a gift for humanity. It connects us physically with our divine spirit. The soul would communicate with us if we chose to listen. By developing our inner connection with divine wisdom our intuition grows and becomes a trusted guide. Many develop this connection through meditation or prayer. They may want to know more about who they truly are beyond the conditioning and vision of what society expects them to be. They are seeking their own true authentic self.

Our intuition offers help and hope especially during immense stress or tough challenges. When we are faced with illness, job loss or loss of a loved one we can feel shaken and adrift. We may want to steer away from our tribe and seclude into our own company. During these times, our intuition can be our guiding compass. It always offers us what is best for us. If we take a moment to listen it will point us towards the support we need to get through the difficulties we are facing. When we are overwhelmed with emotions, the voice of our inner wisdom will be there to guide us.
There are so many things that each of us need to do in our day. We’ve become accustomed to handling everything ourselves. Inadvertently, many of us have become control freaks, until we are suddenly faced with a situation we cannot control or we don’t know how to manage. We may feel frightened because our normal coping mechanisms aren’t working. Intuition will always work. Our physical self is connected to our spiritual self. Our spiritual self has inner wisdom and wants to help us in every way it can. We only need to listen.
When we find ourselves in a crisis or a challenging situation we can easily feel alone. We are not, like always but especially during these times, our spiritual support is ready and wanting to help. We are always watched over by loving beings in the spirit world. They are always guiding us towards the help we need to overcome these times in our lives.

Like many you may have lost a connection to that inner wisdom and that voice that guides us. We’ve forgotten how to listen and so are simply out of practice. We need to learn again how to connect to our own inner spiritual self. No matter how disconnected we may feel from your inner wisdom it is still there and is always available to help us. We can’t lose it. Although sometimes it may feel like it has gone dormant. With love, time and practice it will strengthen.
There are times for some people when reconnecting with their inner wisdom may bring up old emotions and memories that they weren’t ready to deal with and maybe we still aren’t. It’s part of what people call shadow work. It’s important and a part of growth and healing but it can be emotionally overwhelming. Everyone can find comfort through some type of regular spiritual or emotional support system. This isn’t something you have to go through alone if the pain is too much to bear on your own.

Ask your spiritual guidance, angels, and the Universe to help you heal and offer you strength. Whether human or spiritual, a support system can help us to allow emotions and feelings to pass through us. To let them be released from us and sent into the light. We don’t need to carry it forever. During this cleansing process, intuition and inner wisdom will naturally strengthen. We will find ourselves having a deeper inner connection. It can offer a source of wisdom, and comfort during difficult times. Inner wisdom is an amazing gift. It will offer us many blessings. In turn, we will want to share with others so that all life can be blessed by this connection with the divine.