In recent times, you’ve likely heard a lot of people talking about crystals. Many people are beginning to explore these precious gifts from our planet not only for their beauty but how they can improve many aspects of our lives. However, this is not anything new. Humans have been using crystals for thousands of years.
Since ancient times, people have been aware of crystals' incredible abilities and mystical nature. Crystals have been used since the dawning of civilization. There are even myths of lost civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria using gemstones. One tale speaks of Atlanteans using the power of gemstones for flight and communication over great distances. You may not believe in these tales, but other ancient civilizations definitely used them. Take the ancient Egyptians, who used gemstones for healing and credited magical properties to many of the stones. Even in the Middle Ages Knights and even Kings wore gemstones in their breastplates for protection while in battle.
What Are Crystals?

Crystals are combinations of minerals formed through natural forces. The way they are formed gives crystals their unique capabilities and distinct energy. Their natural healing energy can work with our own energy body to bring it back to balance.
Crystals can heal many of our ailments including those that are physical, mental, emotional and some even on a spiritual level. With our world as chaotic and intense as it can be, crystals can offer us a way to bring peace, well-being, happiness, and joy into our lives.
How To Begin a Crystal Healing Regimen
Crystals truly can help us to heal. To do this, we need to complete a few things first.

Identify Our Problems and Concerns
Life isn’t always easy, we all have problems that we have to deal with and overcome. There are likely several issues that we’d like to address about ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in. Crystals can help us do that! The first thing to do is identify what we need to have healed. Perhaps it’s a physical issue, a mental problem like anxiety, or even an emotional concern like grief.
Even when life is going grand and you have no problems or issues. Wouldn’t that be incredible! Crystal healing can still be used. It can be used to attract and manifest more prosperity, luck, make your dreams come true and bring love into your life. The list could go on and on. It doesn’t matter what area you choose to focus on, the important part is that you set a clear intention on what area you would like to use crystal healing for.
Choose Your Crystals

Different crystals have different properties. So, one crystal might be better suited to address your unique issues than another. For example, if you want to de-stress, you might utilize moonstone, angelite, smoky quartz, and so on. If you require physical healing, you might need jasper, rose quartz, citrine, or turquoise.
Therefore, you need to choose your crystals wisely. Thankfully, there is a ton of information available both online and offline. This will help you select relevant crystals for your needs.
You can also form an intention to attract the right crystals into your life and let the universe bring them to you. You can even let your intuition guide you to choose the right stones and crystals.
Using Crystals for Healing
Once you have your crystals, you can use them in a variety of ways. For example, you can meditate by holding your crystal in your hand. While meditating, just try to connect with the energies of the crystal. Let it speak to you and feel as though it is a part of you. You can also set an intention about what you want it to address. You could say something like, "Please help me heal my broken heart."

Another way you can use crystals is by placing them around your home or office. Anywhere you feel you could use a little help and a little extra boost of positive energy. I always kept a few in my office at work. Even today, I have a few favourites that I carry in my purse. I’d recommend putting them in places where you spend the most time but be warned that if you put them too close to your bed, their energy may disrupt your sleep. Just having them around you can affect your energy and offer an improvement to your well-being.
One of my favourite ways to incorporate gemstones into my healing is by wearing them as jewellery. Like choosing crystals, I use my intuition, and if something feels like it is meant for me, then it normally will come home with me. I wear bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, and so on. I must warn you, there are so many beautiful options to choose from that it can be hard to only buy one. However, there are some more affordable options, but the price can vary substantially. Happy shopping! Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 😊