This is a short test that will help self-diagnose the current state of your 7 primary chakras.
It shouldn’t take very long. Less than 10 minutes.
Once finished, you’ll have a better understanding of which Chakras are open, closed, or in need of a little TLC.
This by no means acts as a replacement for an actual chakra assessment from a healer.
How often you perform this test is up to you. Regularly checking up once a month is a good start. Eventually, you’ll be able to ascertain on your own when one of your chakras needs a bit of help.
This is a test for you and only you, therefore make sure you answer honestly to get the best results.
Before you begin:
Get into a comfortable position and try to relax.
Focus on your breathing, a natural and relaxed in and out.
Focus on your heart center and offer yourself love as you go through these questions.
As you ask each question, focus on that specific Chakra while you decide on your answer.
After each answer, give yourself a few seconds before going on to the next one.
This is not a race. Take your time.
Base your answers on how you are feeling presently.
1 is that you agree with the least.
5 is that you agree with the most.
Let's Get Started!
Root Chakra
I’m connected and know who I am.
I feel safe and protected.
I know what is right for me.
Sacral Chakra
I honour and treat myself respectfully.
I have set healthy boundaries and keep them.
I am grateful for who I am, for being me.
Solar Plexus Chakra
I am strong and value my personal power.
I have the freedom to choose what is best for me.
I am worth my weight in gold.
Heart Chakra
I listen to my heart.
I do not hold back love, I give and accept it freely.
I love myself.
Throat Chakra
I speak my authentic truth.
I love to share my experiences.
I am unafraid to stand up for what I believe in.
Brow Chakra
I connect and trust my inner guidance.
I think the very best of myself.
I release and forgive the past.
Crown Chakra
At all times, I aim to live in the present moment.
I know I have a higher purpose and have faith that it will be fulfilled.
I trust in higher guidance to show me the next steps.
How To Calculate:
If your Chakra scored 3 to 6, that Chakra is CLOSED.
If your Chakra scored 7 to 11, that Chakra is UNSTABLE and needs TLC.
If your Chakra scored 12 to 15, that Chakra is OPEN.