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Get to Know Your Host Light Zoe!!

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

The picture above was taken in August 2022 on a trip with my husband to Lagos, Nigeria. Spent the afternoon at the Lekki Conservation Centre. www.


Welcome everyone, I thought it a good idea that you get to know a little bit more about me. After all, I am asking you to follow me. Thank you for following! I appreciate your support. I hope you enjoy what I have to share. Hopefully, this will help you feel more comfortable about who I am and why spirituality is a big part of my life and journey.

If you have any questions, please ask.

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In this blog, I'll be answering 20 questions about my own personal journey. It will offer a short summary of how I got to where I am today with my spirituality. In later blogs, I'll be sharing in more detail about my own spiritual practices, personal journey, and even some of my spiritual experiences. Many are positive experiences but all were learning experiences for my soul.

Let's Begin


Why don’t you begin by telling us how you got into Spirituality?

I didn't really get into spirituality. I'd say I was more born into it. From as far back as I can remember, I’ve been having spiritual experiences.

What was it like being a child and having this connection?

When I was a child, my connection was quite different from what it is today. As a child, I really didn’t understand anything about what was happening to me or my family. I didn’t really have anyone to turn to that could explain it to me.

My older sister Mary with our mom.

What type of experiences did you have?

Growing up, most of my spiritual experiences were encounters with negative energy and ghosts. Even as a young girl, I seemed to know that the best protection for me was to call on the Light.

You called on the Light. How did you do that?

I was quite young at the time, maybe 4 or 5 years old. However, I do remember learning about the Light in church. It sounded good and all I knew was I needed protection. So, I’d call on the Light. I’d ask it to surround me and protect me like a giant bubble. Once I felt this spiritual shield around me, I’d tell whatever was frightening me that it had to leave. It was never a lasting solution, but it helped for a while.

Did you believe in God or look to the church for help?

I was raised by my mom, in a Christian home. We did go to church as children. Although, I don’t think my mom ever confided in anyone outside her small friend circle about what was happening to us. As a child, I did pray a lot to God asking for help.

Do you think God helped?

I do think that God helped but I also think that part of my lesson was to go through it. Life growing up wasn’t easy. We were surrounded by a lot of negative energy and we grew up quickly. God intervened many times but there was always more negative energy coming our way.

Was anyone able to help you or your family?

We really didn’t know what was happening most of the time. There were a few close friends who offered their love and support. Without knowing what they were dealing with and how to make it go away, there wasn’t much they could do.

Can you give an example of what you experienced?

There are quite a few to choose from. Let’s just say that there were lots of bumps in the night. Many unexplained situations that we couldn’t logically make sense of. Then there were other experiences that were far beyond a bump.

How old were you when these experiences started to either go away or get better?

I was about 16 years old when I was finally able to have it stop for a while. I was dealing with my own personal challenges of being a young woman, having my first boyfriend, my job, and school as well as having these intense spiritual experiences. My dreams were disturbing and often kept me awake at night. Finally, my grandpa helped me shut my window.

I'm about 16 in this picture.

Shut your window?

My grandfather explained that there are three types of people. An open window, a closed window, and a closed door. A closed door is someone who has never had a spiritual experience. Likely never will have one. An open window is someone like I was that was literally open to whatever type of energy wanted to come in. A closed window was what I became. A closed window is someone who could open and close their connection as they choose.

So how did he close the window?

It was an intense visualization exercise of building a brick wall in my mind. He told me that once I closed my window it would remain shut until I was old enough to be able to handle what was coming at me. He said that when he died my gifts would return.

Did things get better once he closed the window?

Things got better. For years I hardly experienced anything.

Why didn’t your grandfather help you before that?

My grandfather was a student of many things and taught me valuable and amazing lessons. However, I’m not entirely sure how much or what he knew. He did his best when we were growing up to try to help us. He couldn’t banish all of it from us, so he stopped it from coming at me.

Me and grandpa Duke, flipping through pictures.

And when he died, you got your gifts back?

The day we buried him I remember being in the back seat of the car looking out the window. Then I heard his voice in my head. He said, ‘Granddaughter, your gifts will now be returned to you, you are ready to embrace them.’ It didn’t scare me, in fact, I found it comforting to hear his voice. Almost instantly I felt a shift but it would be several months before things would come back fully. However, it was a bit different.

What was different?

Growing up I didn’t embrace spirituality. It was inflicted on me. So once it ended I was at peace from all of it for a while. Eventually though I had too many unanswered questions. I spent years learning about spirituality. Learning ways to protect myself. Trying to understand what happened to me as a child. It was kind of like I was preparing in case it came back. This time however, when it returned to me, I was a grown-up and much stronger. I was no longer the afraid child I once was. I knew how to ask for protection and to call on those beings of light to guide me. I had met like-minded gifted individuals who taught me and showed me a different side to spirituality rather than only what I had experienced growing up.

Do you ever have frightening experiences now?

I’m in a better position to understand what comes through to me now. Studying energy has helped me a lot to embrace and understand these experiences. I’ve experienced some frightening things in my adult life; however, most involved me helping someone else deal with a negative spiritual experience.

You’ve helped others with their negative experiences?

Of course, that is part of being a lightworker. We spread Light but we also help when we are needed. There are so many people who feel alone in the dark. I’ve been drawn to people without knowing anything about their situation. Once we begin to connect and get to know each other it will usually come out rather quickly.

What kind of things have you done for others?

A lot of what I do is listen, be compassionate and believe them. When someone encounters a negative or any type of spiritual experience, it can feel very isolating. Who are you going to tell that will believe you? You don’t want people to think you are crazy. Many times, you are left on your own hoping that someone comes and helps you. It’s usually when people start praying for divine intervention. In me, perhaps they feel safe and that they won’t be judged. Most of the time I’ll know that I’m there to help them.

How do you help exactly?

It really depends on the situation. Besides listening, I’ve offered healing and raising their vibrations usually using Reiki. I’ve also programmed and blessed crystals and often helped them to grid their homes. Other times I’ve helped to clear energy from their homes. There are many ways to help people who are struggling. Honestly, most people want to be believed and have validation that someone else has had these experiences too. They want to know that they are not alone.

What do you hope this website and blog will offer to others?

My greatest hope is that it reaches others and helps them on their personal journey. Even if it helps one person it was worth the effort. We might not be able to make all the problems in the world go away. What we can do is spread our light. Share our unique gifts. Offer compassion and understanding, especially to those who are feeling lost and alone. For others, I hope that it is a place of learning and growing. Allowing them to become the best version of who they want to be and what they want to do on their journey.

I hope you enjoyed knowing a little bit more about my journey. I look forward to hearing about your journeys and answering any questions you might have. Don't be afraid to ask.



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