You won’t need to wear garlic or be armed with a wooden stake. They aren’t here to take your blood; they are here for your energy. They are energy zappers. They are literally everywhere. Your family, friends, colleagues, and maybe you are one yourself.
They are commonly known as energy vampires, and they really do suck the life energy right out of us. Eventually leaving us feeling depleted. Often, we can come out of an attack feeling mentally, emotionally, and spiritually beaten up.

What exactly is an energy vampire?
An energy vampire steals a person’s energy. They become a vampire mainly because they are trapped in victim mode. Believing everything bad that could happen to them does. They believe it so much that they manifest it. I think most of us know at least one of them.
Living in this victim mode is self-defeating and they generally feel low about themselves. For them to feel better they attach themselves to someone else’s energy field. Great for them but not so great for the non-vampire.
How exactly do they zap your energy?
The energy vampire will attach to your energy body that surrounds you by forming cords of energy and attaching itself to you. We’ll talk about this energy body in a future post and how to remove these cords. You can’t see these cords with the naked eye. But they are there, and they are open-ended. This means when they attach to you, they can take your energy. The other part is that you can get their energy too whether positive or negative. When you are dealing with an energy vampire the energy is generally negative. If they don’t feel well, you could literally begin to feel ill. If they are feeling emotional like sad or angry, you might find yourself feeling that way and not having any explanation.
These energy cords must be severed and then having some type of spiritual cleansing will help. This is where I’d tend to use reiki, smudge stick and of course some strong protection crystals.

You might think that everyone in your life feels like an energy vampire. You’ll know when you’ve encountered one. It’s hard to miss. In case you aren’t sure here are some traits of an energy vampire.
- Unhappy - Low energy and Always Tired - Feels Lonely and Needs Constant Reassurance - Drama King or Queen - Manipulative - Treats You Like a Therapist - Blames You and Makes You Feel Guilty
Still feel like this is a lot of people in your life. Maybe knowing what an attack from an energy vampire might feel like will help. I’ve been under attack a few times and it feels awful. In fact, one time I even became nauseous. Here are a few symptoms you may experience:
- Headaches and Dizziness - Low Energy and Irritable - Depressed - Mental Drained and Confused - Sleep Issues or Chronically Tired - Physical Illness - And a whole lot more!
Besides cutting cords and smudging, what else can be done to protect yourself?
Identify which people in your life deplete your energy. If you are close to them, you can try talking with them. If they aren’t receptive to change then I’d consider putting some distance between you and them.
It is best to perform a clearing process where you let go of all the negative emotions that you’ve been carrying. All those unwanted and unwarranted feelings need to go. They don’t belong to you. You don’t need to carry them and weigh you down. While you are purging release all your other negative energy too. Ask to be filled up with light positive energy and vitality.
There is no need to be afraid of energy vampires. They aren’t trying to hurt you. They are low on positive energy and are searching for a vibration that makes them feel better. For various reasons they can’t do it by themselves. Most don’t even realize they are doing it.
Pay attention to how you feel around certain people. How do you feel afterwards? Are your feelings valid? Are you always feeling unwell after you spend time with them? Don’t let their energy linger too long in your body. It is best to do a cleanse and recharge your energy field with high vibrational energy.