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Dreams - (Sharing A Personal Dream With You)

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Dreams are a fascinating topic. Do you remember your dreams? Can you do something spectacular in your dreams, like the ability to fly? I find it amazing that humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping. Now, perhaps you are one of those who say they never dream. In fact, we all dream, but not all of us remember. On average, we dream for one to two hours every night. Usually experiencing between 4 to 7 dreams during that time. If you are anything like me, you will wake up and try to hang onto the dream. As soon as you attempt to remember the dream, it begins to fade. However, there are some dreams that stay with me. Sometimes it will be the entire dream. Other times it will only be bits and pieces.

Dreams have always played a significant role in my life. Even now, I still often have dreams. Even having a quick cat nap can result in a dream. It’s common that I'll wake in the morning, turn to my husband, and say, "I had another weird dream. Do you want to hear about it?"

As an adult, most of my dreams now are intriguing and maybe a bit strange. This has changed a lot from when I was young. As a child through most of my adolescence, many of my dreams were very frightening. They consisted of many times being lost or chased. I don't remember experiencing any good dreams until I was much older. Sleeping used to be a scary experience for me. Before bed, I’d often say a little prayer asking for protection and no bad dreams in the night. Now, thankfully, sleeping has become a much more enjoyable experience.

While dreaming, I’ve never been able to fly or run at super speeds. I’ve never had superpowers like strength or super-sight. What I did develop was the ability to protect myself. When I found myself trapped in a dream with no way out, I would always find a way to escape. Even if I didn’t realize that I was in a dream. Usually, it would mean manifesting a door in the dream to let me get away or bring me out of the dream. I honestly have no idea how I did this. Somehow it would never fail to get me out of a bad situation while in the dream world. Is this something you could do?

Dreams are fascinating, and like many, I'm always trying to make sense of them. Or at the very least rationalize why I had the dream in the first place. Some believe that dreams are prophetic. Others say it's a way of dealing with our feelings and working through them. Generally, I can get on board with that. However, I've had other dreams that don't fit into that category.

Let me tell you one such instance.

I was about 16 years old and living at home with my mom. Her bedroom was in the front of the house and mine was in the back. On this particular night, I fell asleep and woke up in bed lying in complete sleep paralysis. I couldn’t move anything. The real scary part was that I wasn’t alone. Looming over me was a dark hooded figure. He didn’t say anything to me, but I was terrified. I tried to speak but no words came out. He reached out and grabbed my leg. He was strong and it felt like he was trying to break my leg off. Finally, after desperately trying to move, I managed instead to scream out into the night. “Mom, help me!”

Almost immediately my mom was in the doorway. She began to wrestle with this man. As they were struggling, he bent her arm back and she screamed out in pain. I woke with a start and was thankful that it was just a dream. I was in my room alone. It felt so real, I could remember absolutely everything about the dream and the man that was trying to hurt me. It was now morning, and the sun was entering my room. No longer wanting to lie in bed I decided to get up. As I stood up my leg buckled underneath, and throbbing pain was coursing through my leg. Limping, I made my way out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.

As usual, I found my mom sitting at the table having her morning tea. This morning however she had her arm in a sling. Curiously, I asked my mom what happened. She began with, “Last night in my dream, I heard you calling out for help. I went into your room and saw a dark hooded figure trying to hurt you.” She must have seen my face because she stopped her story. We both told our stories from our own perspectives and then sat there in silence. How did that happen? How had I called her into my dream? How could she have heard me?

I’ve never been able to understand what happened but what I do know is that both my mom and I experienced the same man and situation while we were both in a dream state. We also both suffered pain and injury from the altercation. Was it real? Was it a mother’s love that brought her to me? It’s fascinating to me.

What do you think?

I’ve had other dreams that were like visitations. Meeting with loved ones that were long past. In these dreams, I knew that they were passed over. They would acknowledge that they were on the other side but that they had come to visit me. These dreams don’t disappear but remain like a sweet memory in my mind. I’ve even had a pet visit me.

It was early morning; I hadn’t yet opened my eyes and was coming out of my slumber. It was then that I felt my sweet, soft cat lying next to me. I could feel her body heat and her stomach moving as she breathed in and out. I lay with my eyes closed, petting her for at least a minute. It was so real that I even said good morning to her. Then I realized that she had passed away a year before. As soon as my mind realized it, she faded away from me, but I could still feel her body heat against my stomach for a few more seconds.

Have you ever had a dream you couldn’t understand? Maybe a visit from someone no longer in the physical world? An experience that kind of blew your mind.

Humans have been attempting to interpret dreams since recorded history and likely before. There are books that help us interpret dreams but I for one believe that doesn’t account for all dream activities.

Perhaps dreams are also a way that we connect to our higher self and the Universe. Some may be a way for otherworldly beings to reach out to us. Another portal to download divine knowledge.

Whatever dreams may come your way, may they be sweet!



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