Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, be reassured that there are divine companions who are always with you. Before being born, you chose each other. You asked and they agreed to accompany you throughout your lifetime. They were with you from the moment of your first breath and will be with you until your last. They are known as spirit guides. We all have them whether we are consciously aware of them or not.
Their primary role in our life is to watch over and guide us. They are highly evolved beings that have completed perhaps numerous cycles of birth and death in the physical world. At this point, they now serve as teachers and guides to further spiritual growth and increase vibrational energy for both of you. We generally can’t see them with our Earth eyes. They are energetically vibrating at another level. It takes practice to connect with them, but it is possible.

Many people begin to work with their spirit guides through dreams and intuition. When we learn to control our minds' chatter we may hear a quiet voice. It is like a reassuring friend, always positive and loving but also can share hard truths. This is sometimes necessary, as it offers growth for the next step in our journey. These voices become our teachers and guides.
Others don’t hear voices but they may see images, signs or symbols. Many see feathers, coins, number sequences, smell scents, or sense energy around them. Regardless of how the information comes to you, try to be still and listen to the guidance being offered.

There are those who say we have a multitude of guides with us. Others say that we only have one or two. I’m of the opinion that it depends on the goals set out in your lifetime. I used to think I had one but recently discovered I have two. Depending on your path and purpose in life you may need many to help you obtain your goals. Spirit guides are dependent on your personal journey throughout this lifetime. As you grow into your purpose, more and more may introduce themselves.
There is some question about whether spirit guides are loved ones who have passed away. I do think many of our deceased loved ones remain with us in spirit. However, they don’t generally have the role of a spirit guide instead more of a guardian angel.

Other individuals are blessed to have archangels and angels as spirit guides. Being blessed by the company of an angel doesn’t automatically make them a spirit guide. We can call angels anytime we want. They are normally called during times of great distress and come for only a brief time to help us work through the circumstance. If you have an archangel or angel as a guide, chances are your mission in life is highly complex and profoundly important.
Your spirit guide is always with you. You cannot send them away. They are part of you and your journey. This doesn’t mean you are always tuned into them. It means that if you need them you can call on them. Otherwise, they watch over us and give little nudges along the way.
As we age, some people chose to learn who their spirit guides are and their role in their life. If you want to know who your guides are, just ask. Do not get discouraged, it may take practice and time but watch for signs and symbols. It is not always a voice or a shining light. Trust your own wisdom. Pay attention to the words, pictures or thoughts that appear in your mind. Keep your intuition open. If you have tried and can’t seem to connect, consider contacting a professional intuitive to assist you. First, do your research.

Why should you want to work with spirit guides? Besides having a deep and meaningful relationship with a being who wants only the very best for you. You also will have an incredible reference for guidance in your life. They won’t normally tell you what to do as we all have free will and that would be pretty boring. Instead, they help you to see it with clearer vision. They lead you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, and how to use this information. They can offer insight and a viewpoint that you may never have considered. You can even ask your spirit guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask them to offer you healing and fall asleep with the faith that you are being healed by angels.
You are never alone. Never. Raise your vibration and embrace the beautiful gifts of spirit. Life is not only what we see, don’t allow your eyes to deceive you. Instead, consider opening your spiritual eyes. Open your heart and discover a world of wisdom and love that you never knew existed. The choice is yours, believe it or not. But, really, what have you got to lose? You don’t have to even discuss it with anyone if you don’t want to. This is your journey. Embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. You may find that the love and light you receive will offer you a greater understanding. You may even find yourself transforming into a more connected and loving being.