Chakra healing, also known as Chakra balancing and Chakra alignment has been used for centuries in various ancient cultures. It has been used to balance energy centers in our body called Chakras. There are several different tools that can be used for Chakra balancing such as energy healing like Reiki, gemstones, crystals, aromatherapy, herbs, or sound and colour therapy to name a few. The end goal is a healthier body and a more content and peaceful life.
There are seven primary chakras that correspond with vital areas of our bodies and emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives. They are aligned from the base of the spine to the top of top head. Each Charka has its own color, vibrational frequency, and symbol. Each energy center (Chakra) needs to be vibrating at the proper frequency independent of one another, yet in sync, for the entire body to vibrate in harmony. Therefore, each Chakra is equally important to the optimal well-being of an individual.

Many powerful tools can affect the vibration of the Chakras. Chakra gemstones, the human voice, music, chants, mantras, and chakra meditation bring the frequency of the chakras back into proper vibrational alignment.
As an example, we can use quartz crystals and gemstones to re-balance our energy centers. The reason why crystals and gemstones (naturally occurring) are wonderful and powerful healing tools are because of what science calls their piezoelectric effect. Think of modern quartz timepieces. Crystals and gemstones respond to the electricity that is coursing through our body, and if the energy is sluggish, the constant electrical vibrations of the stones will help to harmonize, balance, and stimulate these energies. Isn’t nature amazing?

Chakra meditation may also be used to open Chakras and improve the flow of positive psychic energy throughout our bodies. During meditation, simply concentrate on each of the Chakra. Start with the Root at the base of the spine and work your way up to the Crown. With each Chakra use your intuition to try to feel the energy, perhaps you can imagine it swirling and the energy radiating out from the center and all throughout the body. As you begin to move to the next one, visualize and then gently guide the flow of energy from Chakra to Chakra. By doing this, you’ll be helping to remove blockages in each energy center.
Chakra balancing can lead to improved heart, lung, brain, immune and digestive function and may also help with depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances due to their various association with parts of our bodies. Many believe that the Chakras have the power to transform our lives both physically and spiritually. When our Chakras are in sync, we can more easily access higher levels of consciousness.
Remember that this is considered subtle energy. Therefore, in the beginning, there may be no visible effects that allow you to say that a condition is improving. You will have only your experience to confirm the degree of healing that has occurred. You may feel a sense of well-being. An improved outlook toward others, towards yourself. Your feelings about a situation may shift so that your perception is more positive. This is how subtle chakra healing works. Become more aware of yourself and how you are feeling.
Healing happens from the inside out. You’ll likely notice internal shifts and changes before you see anything external. When you're healing there may be times you feel exhausted and in need of rest. Your body requires this to release old, stagnant energy. It is likely that you’ll feel emotional. You may need to cry or express anger. Whatever you’ve been suppressing and holding back will find its way to the surface to be cleared. Allowing it to come forth and be released will help you to heal.
Another way you may heal during a Chakra healing is through your dreams. Become aware of your dreams and the metaphors they represent. I’d recommend keeping a journal. It will help you remember your dreams and any insights you may receive.
This is a time for your body to purge old wounds and restore balance. As a result, it may need to release toxins. This might be done through having a cold or sore throat, you may experience unusual bowel movements, fever, or flu-like symptoms. This is quite common, be patient with your body, give it lots of love and what it asks for. Drink water, get rest, take nice baths, cuddle up and give yourself extra love. If possible, try to get through it without a bunch of medication. If it persists, then of course seek out medical advice. It shouldn’t last more than a few days. If you feel like you need some medication then try homeopathic remedies, like herbs or oils. These are all energetically based medicines. They can restore your body to balance without suppressing the detoxification process.
As you proceed with energetic healing, you may become aware of moods swings and a change in cycles such as sleep, menstruation, and appetite. Allow these cycles to balance themselves. Be patient and give yourself time, you’ve been hanging onto this stuff for a while and your body needs to readjust. If, however, you become aware that something doesn’t feel right. Trust your body and consult your physician or healer immediately.