Calling All Angels – How to Ask for Help
I’m not used to directly asking angels for help. Instead, I will typically call on my spirit guides. I have faith that angels are with me and will be there when I need them. However, there are certain situations that call for some serious spiritual intervention. In these times, I like to call on the heavenly angels to watch over or offer their loving assistance.
We can ask them for immediate help at any time and in any place. I generally leave this up to God. When I pray, I ask that Great Spirit provide me with the guidance and help I need in whatever form will offer the best possible outcome for myself and anyone involved. I have faith that I’ll be sent the help that God deems necessary.
How I Ask for Help.
When I decide to call upon an angel, say a prayer or wish to speak to my spirit guides I generally follow a few steps.
1. Find a quiet space where I won’t be disturbed and give myself a few minutes to breathe and relax.
2. Whether out loud or in my head, I ask for what I need at that time. Before I ask, I ensure that the request is coming from my heart.
3. Lastly, I always show gratitude. It solution might not have arrived yet but you can be sure it is on its way.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter when or where you ask for angelic help. You could be in the middle of a shopping mall and frantic about a situation. They’ll hear you. Ask for their help.

Whether you wish to pray and ask God to send you helping angels or wish to connect with them directly, here are a few techniques that might help:
Ask and you shall receive. There is no right time to ask for help. If you need it ask, they are available for you 24/7. The more open you are to receiving their divine love and wisdom, the more they will share with you. No request is too small, if you need help with something they will gladly assist.
Know in your heart that you are worthy of angelic assistance. Angels are here for you. They don’t pass judgment on your past or even your beliefs. Their purpose is to support you. If you ask for them, they will be there for you.
Connect with your inner child. Can you remember that innocent, whole, and true child that you once were? They are still there, and they trust the angels. Connect with their energy and welcome it back into your life. These little ones create feelings of excitement, wonder, joy and creativity. Your feelings and energy as you connect with them will have the angels preparing extra special gifts for your journey.
Hand the outcome over to the angels. Whenever you ask for angelic help know that they will always seek the best possible positive outcome for your growth. Don’t go in with expectations of what it will end up like. Often, I’ve not noticed until it was over that my prayers were answered. It might have been in a way I didn’t expect. However, when I look back, I see that what ended up happening was the best option for the next step in my journey. Angels aren’t here to make our life easy and take away all obstacles. We need to grow. Angels are here for guidance as we learn these lessons in life.

Appreciate and be grateful to the angels. You have been touched by angels, and you should be appreciative and grateful to them. Trust that things will work out exactly as they should. Have Faith. If you find it hard to have faith, ask the angels to help you. As for patience and the ability to let go. Ask them to help you find peace with the difficulty you are facing. Try to have patience and let go of any expectations.
Trust that your request is answered. Every request is answered. Help is on its way. The energy has been put into motion and the angels and the universe are working together to answer your call. It might be difficult to wait. And the result might not be what you expected. Have faith that they know what is best for your spiritual growth. You are completely accepted and loved by the angels. They love us all unconditionally. Their purpose is to help guide us and encourage our spiritual development.

What angelic help looks like: It might happen but likely you won’t have a fully formed angel with wings in front of you stating that your prayers are being answered. In fact, the answer might be a little more subtle. Perhaps you won’t even realize it is being answered until you look back and realize that was the help you requested. You might get a burst of inspiration. Often an issue that has been dragging on for a long time may unexpectedly be resolved. Other times people see signs in feathers, coins, ravens, and other items. These are signals to them of divine intervention. Keep your eyes and mind open but remember they like to deceive you. Stay present and use your intuition, you’ll know what feels right the more you practice trusting yourself.
Accept and utilize angel guidance immediately. Angelic help and guidance are unlimited. You might feel like you don’t want to be greedy and ask for too much. It doesn’t work that way. The more you know what you want to manifest, the angels will joyfully give you without limits. Remember, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get everything exactly as you’ve asked for it. The faster you act upon the help received, the faster you’ll receive more. Remember that angels are divine beings of light, they won’t do anything that may hurt others. Being vindictive in your request for help with likely backfire on you. Ask with a loving heart.
Celebrate yourself. It’s time to truly appreciate and celebrate you! Stop any negative judgment, feelings of lack, or negativity. You are in the hands of the angels for healing. Even if it only lasts a few minutes, let go of everything that is not about loving you and everything around you. Thank yourself and the angels for deepening the relationship between you. Try ending with a big self-hug!