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Awakening The Kundalini Energy

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Kundalini Awakens

In Hinduism, there is a spiritual energy known as Kundalini (feminine energy). A vital life force that lives within all of us. When in a dormant state, you can visualize it being coiled up like a snake resting at the base of your spine by the Root or Muladhara Chakra. It’s sometimes referred to as the ‘sleeping goddess’ or ‘serpent power’. When this Kundalini energy awakens, it uncoils and begins to rise through the 7 central energy channels (the Chakras). It continues to rise until it unites with the Crown Chakra (masculine energy). This unity of the Kundalini with the Crown is said to enhance our awareness and help us to move past our egos, and eventually lead us to spiritual enlightenment.

Think of our Chakras as pumps that regulate the flow of energy throughout our system. When we use controlled movements and methods to arouse the Kundalini such as yoga, meditation, or chanting of mantras it can also assist to realign our Chakras. This can cause many benefits to your physical and emotional well-being. Indian spiritual texts, refer to yoga as literally meaning ‘union’. A union between our soul and divine energy.

How To Awaken Kundalini – A Word of Caution

There are ways you can work to awaken your Kundalini energy, however, it will generally awaken when it’s ready and will likely happen unexpectedly. The Kundalini knows when it is best for you to experience its energy. Don’t worry, you’ll be ready. However, the experience can be somewhat intense, it really depends on where you are spiritually in your development and growth and how much you have already worked on your energy system. In some, the Kundalini may not awaken in their lifetime. Be patient with yourself. We are all on our own personal journeys. The Universe gives you exactly what you need for your spiritual growth and development.

Here are 5 ways you can try to awaken the Kundalini in you.

1) Breathwork

2) Meditation

3) Yoga Postures

4) Energy Healing

5) Chanting

Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening

As Kundalini begins to awaken within us, many people find themselves drawn to the desire to meditate more often. Connect to the divine through prayer, channelling, or yoga. You may find yourself being more introspective and instead of voicing your opinion, you work out things within your mind. You’ll find yourself turning inward for guidance through your intuition and divine connections. In a way, you are developing your telepathic gifts and tuning into universal consciousness. You are living between two worlds, perceiving all that is around you and within you. Connecting to everything all at once.

Interesting Fact:

Next time you see an ambulance or go to the hospital, take note of the symbol of the two serpents ascending a pole. This is the ancient symbol for Kundalini. Today is called other things like the Staff of Hermes or the Staff of Osiris.

This is a symbol of healing and is used by the medical profession. The Kundalini is a connection between the Divine Masculine (Pingala, Shiva and Osiris) and the Divine Feminine (Ida, Shakti and Isis). When we look at this symbol of the Kundalini, we’ll see two serpents (Pingala and Ida) or (Shiva and Shakti) or (Osiris and Isis). The pole they are ascending is called Sushumna. At the height of the ascent, they attain their wings (an awakening). This is their self-realization that they’ve experienced unity and oneness with one another.



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