What does it mean to be an empath?
Have you ever heard the term empath? There are a lot of us in the world. You likely know someone who is. Maybe you are an empath. If you are an empath, you likely already know. If you aren’t sure, then let’s find out.
Empaths have an ability to easily connect with other people’s energy. They are sensitive beings and can feel the energy of not only people but animals, nature, and even the environment. They are more sympathetic, compassionate, and kind than most people. This beautiful gift allows them to feel, see and know things more intuitively than the average person. They seek to live purpose-driven lives. They truly want to help as many people as possible.
This desire to be of service can tend to leave an empath feeling drained and exhausted and sometimes overwhelmed. They can become so involved in helping others with their problems that they forget to take care of themselves and focus on their own lives. This energy is a powerful gift. However, empaths need to make sure they know how to help themselves.
So, are you an empath? Let’s Find Out!

There are three traits that all empaths possess.
1. An empath will seek out different ways to be of service to others.
There is a feeling of responsibility that empaths have toward others. You want to help them, heal them, and see them happy. It’s extremely difficult for an empath to watch anyone including animals and our planet suffer. If you are an empath, you have already helped many people. Even if this means sacrificing your own time, money, or happiness. An empath is willing to sacrifice for others and does their best to try to help them.
2. Others take advantage of the kind hearts of empaths.
Empaths make it their purpose to help others. Unfortunately, not everyone accepts their kindness without taking advantage. If you are an empath you’ve likely had at least one person take advantage of your kind nature. There have been people who have manipulated you or taken you for granted regardless of what you may have done for them.
3. Empaths receive signs from the Universe.
The Universe sends out signs to all of us. Many times, this is in the form of subtle energies that many can easily overlook or ignore. Empaths however can pick them up and intuitively know that it is a sign. These signs can come in many forms, such as number patterns, orbs, feathers, or coins. Sometimes it’s a chance meeting or a repeated phrase.

Empaths And Energy. What is this special connection?
Energy is all around us and there is a strong spiritual connection that it has with empaths. Empaths live their life in service to spirit, whether they know it or not. They feel a purpose within and use their abilities to help others. Most empaths will develop some form of psychic ability at a point in their lives.
Empaths Can Heal Themselves with Energy.
Empaths can feel energy. Many learn to channel this energy through their hands. Using reiki is a form of this energy healing that many empaths easily adapt to. Empaths also connect with spiritual tools like crystals, essential oils and singing bowls for healing purposes. Other empaths feel a draw to divination tools and practices like tarot, crystal balls, runes, and others. Once an empath begins to channel this universal energy into their lives, they can manifest amazing and powerful changes into their world.

Empaths Help Others Heal.
If you recognize yourself as an empath. Remember that you need to ask permission first before performing any type of energy work on someone. Everyone has a right to decide what is best for them. An empath will intuitively know how to help another being. Many times, it is listening with compassion and kindness. Give others universal love and light. Let them know they are not alone and that they always have this love with them. Give of yourself but don’t give everything. Make sure you are strong enough to share before offering your gifts to others.