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5 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

We all have that little voice inside us that tries to tell us things from time to time. We all have free will, therefore, it’s our choice whether we choose to listen or ignore it. Many times, we tend not to listen. It could be for a variety of reasons. When we do listen, we typically discover that it’s our inner wisdom, trying to guide us in the right direction. Other times it’s fear, our subconscious, telling us to stop. When what we really need to do is find the courage and move forward. How do we know when to follow it or when to ignore it? The best advice would be to develop your intuition. Then when you hear the voice, you’ll be able to truly interpret the source and its intentions. When we are young, we tend to listen more to that voice. We trust in ourselves more. As we age, we begin to ignore it. Over the years, we’ll experience so many things in our life and at times we end up on autopilot. Even if something doesn’t feel right or we hear that little voice we tell it to be quiet. Especially if it means that moving forward creates work or drama. Remember, things worth having rarely come easy. In other words, we became practical and remain in avoidance mode. We weigh out the effects of acting and not acting. Most times we take the easier road. Who can blame us, life can be hard. However, with all the experience we’ve accumulated over the years we have hopefully stored away a lot of wisdom. So, listening to that little voice and knowing exactly where it is coming from can be a good thing. There are numerous ways to develop your intuition, here are a few: 1. Meditate. For a few minutes each day, give your mind a break and instead focus within. Does that little voice still talk with you when the mind has stopped its chatter? Intuition normally has a soft voice. When our minds are busy keeping us alive and getting us through the day it can be hard to hear it. Therefore, meditation can help clear out the mind chatter and allow your intuition to shine through. A simple technique: Work to clear your mind by simply counting your breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus on your breathing and let your mind have a little rest. Your mind may wonder, that’s common. Don’t get flustered just thank your mind for the thought and release it.

2. Record your dreams. We all dream, not all of us remember our dreams. Studies show that an adult will average 5 dreams per night. Even though it might seem like a bunch of weird scenes that don’t make sense, our dreams can hold a lot of useful information. In fact, many psychologists believe that we work out our challenges while we sleep. A simple technique: Once you get into bed and before you close your eyes. Tell your inner self that you want to remember your dreams in the morning. Keep thinking about this until you fall asleep. Keep a notebook and pen near your bed or a voice recorder on your phone. When you wake up write out everything you can remember. Do this first thing as dreams tend to slip away quickly. Review the dreams and information you gather to see if any of the information is useful in a situation in your life you are currently working on.

3. Follow your intuition. You know that saying ‘if you don’t use it you’ll lose it’. The same goes for your intuition. If you never follow it than it likely will go dormant. Show your intuition that you are listening. Start by using it in situations that have minor importance. Keep it simple, try taking a walk and ask yourself which way you should turn at each intersection. It’s about trusting yourself. With practice it will develop.

4. Busy your mind. Isn’t that part of the problem, our minds are already too busy? Yes, there is too much chatter but when we busy our mind we come up with some great ideas. Keep your mind busy with simple tasks like walking, taking a shower, or listening to the rain. Keep it busy but not full of chatter. See what wonderful ideas and answers come to your mind when it’s a little bit distracted.

5. Keep a journal. I write things down a lot mainly because I forget things too quickly. However, I also find when I begin to write something down my brain decides to do a data dump and the floodgates open with ideas and inspiration. Study what is written and see if you find any things you haven’t yet considered.

Our lives are full of stress, some of the situations seem huge and insurmountable, and others are everyday issues that need to be dealt with. By developing our intuition, it can help to solve these challenges big or small in life and help to reduce the stress from them. It’s a great resource for inspiration, creativity, and imagination. Start with small things and with time you’ll be able to learn to rely on it and use it to make those more difficult decisions in life.



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