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3 Easy Steps to Creating a Sacred Space

Writer's picture: lightzoe11lightzoe11

Achieving a state of calmness usually takes patience and practice however it does help if you have a sacred space where this can be done. Some are fortunate to have the space for an entire room dedicated to spiritual practices and meditation. Others may have to consider a small space, like a nook in your home or even a quiet corner in your bedroom. Wherever you can find a place it should be a spot where you can go to think, relax and meditate.

Your sacred space can be your own private getaway. Here you can breathe freely and gather your thoughts. Feel at peace and connect with your higher self, inner wisdom and the divine beings who watch over us and wish to help guide us.

Here are 3 simple steps to help you create your own sacred space.

1. Choosing A Spot

Any place that you choose as your sacred space must have two primary qualities: that it is quiet and that it is somewhere with few distractions. The space doesn’t have to be big, as long as you can find a tiny spot for a peaceful and quiet getaway. I’ve seen someone turn their closet into a sacred space by removing the doors, painting the walls and decorating it and honestly it was really quaint. Try to find a space in your home that is a little out of the way or at the very least a place that you can block off when you want to practice. Any corner in your house that can be made secluded will do. If you are creative, you can find a way to make a partition to separate you so that you wouldn’t be bothered when you are inside your hideaway. Think about that for a moment. If you don’t already have one, could you find a place in your space that might work for this purpose?

2. Decorating

This is one of best parts of having a sacred space. Decorating it! Here is the good news, you don’t really need a lot of expensive furniture. This is entirely up to you and your budget. The one essential piece of furniture is a comfortable place to sit. A chair is not even necessary. If space is a problem, a comfy cushion might be an alternative. Let’s talk about décor. If you are able to paint than chose a colour that is calming or ones that give you peace. What colours make you feel good and positive? Maybe it’s not just one colour. This closet I was talking about, had 7 shelves. Each one painted the colour of a chakra. Another way to bring energy into the space is your window coverings. Maybe something flowing that can blow in the breeze. Once again, you can get creative with colour.

Some people prefer absolute silence when meditating. I do this often, but I do mix it up a bit. Others like to listen to guided meditations. Many people like to enjoy music, I like soft drums or wooden flutes. Make sure it’s not too loud to distract you from the meditation. If you like, consider listening to nature sounds like rain or waves, maybe wind or birds. Make sure its duration is as long as the meditation so it ending won’t distract you. You can use a radio or electronic device however I’ll normally bring my phone along if I want to use music. Personally, I prefer my sacred space to be electronic free. I don’t even like to have the light on.

Speaking of lighting, this is a place to focus and clear your mind. Therefore lighting is important as it can affect how easy or difficult this might be. Most rooms have an overhead light or even worse fluorescent lighting which I find too bright. Maybe consider a dimmer switch or a lamp. The light should be something soft and subtle. Personally, I prefer candles but always practice safety. If you want to take it a step further choose scented candles is something that makes you feel at ease. Aromatherapy is a wonderful compliment to the meditation process.

When it comes to other decorations that is completely your choice. I like to include items like some of my favourite spiritual texts, lots of crystals, statues, and any tools that I use in my practice like smudge sticks or oils. A vase of fresh flowers is also a nice touch or of course if you have a green thumb, plants provide oxygen and wonderful energy. On the walls you can include inspiring affirmations or pictures that make you feel happy and at peace. Go ahead and create this to be your personal space.

3. Maintenance

This sacred space has been created by you and is dedicated to the place where you relax and clear your mind. It’s essential that this remain a sacred space. This means leave no clutter in the room. There are items that are put there intentionally. However, you shouldn’t have a pile of unfolded laundry in the corner or an empty pizza box on the chair. Keep it clean and organized and a sacred space for your spirit to soar. If the room has a window, open it every day for a few minutes and let the fresh air blow in. You can also smudge the room which I’d do on a regular basis. If there are crystals ensure that they are cleansed regularly.

Enjoy your sacred space. There will likely be wonderful hours of spiritual growth and incredible love and guidance for you to experience.



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